Pentagram, Om design or elephant motif for incense sticks and cone holders. approximately 9.5cm across. Catch that ash.
Most people who never or seldom use incense often think of it simply as an air freshener or an odor eater and are unaware of the many benefits it has to the mind and body. Even many regular incense users may not fully appreciate all its physical and psychological benefits. Every religion and culture since the beginning of time has used incense for its spiritual powers, tribal healers and physicians throughout history have used incense for its healing powers, monks have used incense for thousands of years for its concentration powers and artists use incense to inspire creativity.
There is a wide variety of plants and different parts of the plant used in incense, and each of these plants contains many different chemicals and compounds that effect the body. Inhaling these compounds is just another way of introducing them into the body, not much different than putting them into a pill form and ingesting them. The only difference is that inhaling them via incense has been done for thousands of years and is 100% natural, safe, and non-addicting. Therefore, incense should be considered as an effective remedy in treating such ailments as headaches and depression before resorting to prescription drugs.
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