The high concentration of tannins in the leaves account for most of its properties. They tighten and constrict tissues and so protect areas of skin and controls inflammation and itching. Topical formulations can control excessive sweating of the hands and feet, and is
- antibacterial
- anti-parasitic
- and has insect repelling properties.
It may be used for
- diarrhoea
- digestive tract inflammation
- and intestinal worms
- It is also used as a blood purifier.
Topical formulations of walnut leaf are popular treatments for mild and superficial eczema and in France in particular, the leaf is often applied to sunburns and to scalp that is peeling and itching from dandruff. The herb is useful for a host of other mild skin disorders as well. The price is for 60g.
For more information on the healing properties of this herb please visit our Herb Information Pages.
Always be sure to research the possible side effects of any herb before beginning its use.
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