Two herbal pillows, Sleep or Dream


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Two herbal pillows, Sleep or Dream. Herbal sleep pillows are a wonderful way to incorporate herbs into the lives of your friends and family. They are simple items: fragrant herbs stuffed into small pouches and then placed inside the pillowcase of a favorite pillow or hung over the bed. The scent helps the person sleep well and can even help create vivid dreams depending on the herbs used.

For sleep we have used: catnip – a traditional sleep herb which is also useful for relief of anxiety and headaches; chamomile – gently eases the nerves and is great for children; hops – have been used for centuries to treat people with insomnia, calming the nerves; lavender – cleansing and relaxing inducing a sense of calm; lemon balm – relieves nervous agitation inducing relaxed sleep; rose petals – calms and soothes the heart, a cooling, cleansing herb; rosemary – relieves headaches and stress, a heart strengthener and connects the heart and mind in a loving way; lavender essential oils with orris root powder as fixative. For those who believe in this idea, dreaming can be the way to work out issues and help feel balanced during the day.

The dream pillow also contains catnip, chamomile, lavender, hops, rosemary and rose petals, and in addition has: mugwort – calming and centering, helps to alleviate nightmares while promoting vivid dreams. Mugwort is a potent dream herb, aiding in the remembrance of altered states of consciousness; the rosemary actually helps you have vivid dreams. It keeps you longer in a conscious dream state (REM sleep), promotes relaxation, is an effective agent to de-stress and soothe your tense, anxious nerves, is an effective tool if you are looking for something that can relax you mentally and boosts your memory levels; peppermint – gives a happy scent and increases oxygen into the brain, giving more lucid dreams. Getting a deep sleep is ESSENTIAL for lucid dreaming, as reaching the REM stage of sleep supports comprehensive, vivid and detailed dreams; Sandalwood – is high in sesquiterpenes, the chemical component that stimulates the pineal gland, increasing melatonin production! More impacts include: relieves tension, helps to heighten one’s intuition, aiding in experiencing astral projections, promotes mental clarity and boosts memory; Lemon verbena – has long been used in preventing the occurrence of bad dreams, and inspires vivid and creative dreams; Cloves – Lucid dreaming is the ability to consciously control your surroundings when you dream. In other terms, is the feeling of being awake within the dream and to have the power to create stories, make decisions or even place people and situations according to our wishes. Since smells are processed in the brain’s limbic system, area associated with memory and emotion, some scents can invoke powerful emotions. And as our dreams are emotional realms, where we can express unresolved feelings from our waking life, anything that shapes our emotions, shapes our dreams. Cloves have repeatedly been linked with improved dream recall and better sleep, and is said to be packed with spiritual power. It also provides psychic protection, and helps you to recall your dreams; In addition rose and patchouli essential oils fixed with orris root powder. 50g of herbs in each pillow.

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Sleep or Dream Pillows

Sleep, Dream


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