Shungite Tumblestone Large Stone


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SKU: ShungtsL Category:


Shungite Tumblestone Large Stone. Shungite Tumble-stone is an ancient stone billions of years old found only in the Karelia area in Russia, one of the only known natural material known to contain fullerenes, which are powerful anti-oxidants. The energy embodied within this ancient stone is said to absorb and eliminate anything that is a health hazard to human life, and it has active metaphysical properties with strong healing powers.

Some say this stone may have been formed in ancient oceans, which were inhabited by a variety of microscopic organism that no longer lives in our oceans. Some say it came to earth from outer space on a meteorite. While no one really knows, due to its powerful properties more scientists have been looking into its powerful attributes and how they can benefit you. Shungite is a powerful stone to shield you from the electromagnetic radiation given off by electrical equipment, including computers, mobile phones, microwaves and televisions. A very grounding stone. It is sometimes called the “Stone of Life” due to it’s healing and antibacterial properties. Many people use shungite to create a healing spa in the home by placing it in some water to purify and charge the water with cleansing energy. Shungite is a stone of rejuvenation. This mineral is hailed as containing a healing power incomparable to any other. Shungite purifies, protects, normalizes, induces recovery and promotes growth in living organisms.

For more information on this fascinating stone please visit our Crystal Information Pages

Approximately 20-30mm. Price is each. These are beautiful premium stones. Do make sure you cleanse this stone regularly when in use, by placing it out in the sun or out in the moonlight to be energized and recharged.

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