Sage and Juniper Smudge Stick


1 in stock


Approximately 6.5 inches in length, this Blue Sage/Grandmother Sage & Juniper Smudge Stick can be used to cleanse negative energies for a person, place or space. Due to the nature of the Juniper plant, you may find that the smudge stick can be quite loose. Responsibly harvested in traditional manner in Grand Mesa, Colorado by Fluorescent Ranch.

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Juniper bushes typically grow in the Northern Hemisphere. Juniper leaves are commonly collected and burnt as a form of incense. It is said to summon the Thunderbird and calls storms.
Sage is one of the most important Native American ceremonial plants, used by many tribes as an incense and purifying herb. Sage is burned as a spiritual cleanser before many traditional ceremonies, and is also one of the herbs frequently included in medicine bundles and amulets.

Traditionally, when gathering herbs for ceremonial use, care is taken to determine the time of day, month, or year when the herbs should be collected; for example, at dawn or evening, at certain phases of the moon, or according to yearly cycles. Gertrude Allen, a Lumbee, reported that her father, an expert in healing with plants, stated that sage varies in potency at different times of the year.


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