Red Jasper Crystal Cat


4 in stock


Red Jasper Crystal Cat. Height is just under 2 cm and the width at the widest point is about 4 cm. It is hand carved not machined.

Red Jasper is the warrior stone and Stone of Strength. It is good for standing strong against external chaos and protects against external pollution. Red Jasper brings problems to light before they become too big. Jaspers have been revered by ancient peoples and civilizations throughout the world as sacred and powerful stones of protection, for both the physical and spiritual realm. Red Jasper was called the blood of Mother Earth by Native American tribes and was used to stimulate health and re-birth, new ideas and strategies, and increased one’s sensitivity to the earth when dowsing for water or calling in rain. Today, Red Jasper is still known as the Stone of Endurance, a gentle, but vital, stimulator of chi, or Life Force, bringing physical strength and energy, stamina, focus and determination.

Cat is one of the most fascinating and magical animals on Earth! Its aura is so strong and seducing it enchants not only a single human being, but also everyone else around. Throughout human history, since ancient times to present day, cats have been adored, worshipped, cursed and feared. They are featured in almost all of the world’s mythologies, religions and belief systems. Cat totems are incredibly powerful in spiritual sense. Cat totem is mysterious, very independent, magical and truly valuable. If the Cat guides you, you are an extraordinary individual.

Those born with Cat Totem Animal are definitely night people. Darkness comes, and they awaken with energy and curiosity. A person with a Cat Totem will take proverbial “walkabouts” with no particular destination in mind. It’s all about the walk, being wrapped in the night and working personal magic. If this is your Birth Totem, you are the ardent adventurer, including exploring your own inner space. You are naturally agile and able to land on your feet in seemingly impossible situations, and you engage life with the ferocity of a Lion in a Cat’s body. Your perspectives on life are unique because you like checking out all the angles, touching them with your sensitive whiskers. No one will ever “own” you. Independence is the name of the game. Sure, you’re up for a good scratch, snuggle and warm lap regularly, but when you want to get up and do something well, you DO. Your need for freedom means taking a periodic time out from the bustle of daily life. While you are a social “Cool Cat” the chaos gets overwhelming. Your comings and goings make you a marvellous mystery to those in your circle, and you love that. You don’t want to be pinned down in any way.

Uniqueness is Cat Spirit’s mantra.The Cat Birth Totem often portends an unpredictable life filled with antics, risks and a little bit of craziness. But you always have those 9 lives. Just be careful how you use them. Sleep is essential to Cat Totem. You like your naps, and hate being disturbed at an unexpected time. If you are a friend to a person with this Birth Totem, do not wake the slumbering Cat unless they’ve told you when and how to do so.

Reach out to Cat as a Power Animal when you are experiencing insomnia and other sleep problems. Think of the term “catnapping,” and you’ll understand how Cat as a Power Animal is the perfect aid for catching some sleep. Cat is adaptable, so it makes an ideal Animal Ally when you face change and feeling resistant to it. Invoke Cat when you want the same adaptability of the flexibility of movement and decisions making. Cat comes to help you decide when it’s the right time to pounce while showing how to do so while remaining in balance.If you are in a codependent relationship or depend too much on others, Cat arrives as a supportive Al-ly in the search for greater independence. When you need a confidence boost on your quest, Cat encourages you to free yourself from whatever hinders your emotional liberation.

Domesticated Cats were late to the Native American culture arriving at the same time as Horses. Various tribes certainly kept them for useful, low-maintenance pets. In travel, Comanches would park their Cat on their shoulder then ride on.Some Native Americans feared Cats. The Oglala, in particular, shunned our feline friend, thinking Cat had Powerful Medicine and could put curses on people. Even so, the general symbolism and meaning for Cats among the tribes were that of independence, guardian energy, Eros, the esoteric, and mystery.To some Native people, such as the Hopi, the term Cat or Wildcat became synonymous with a rude man who was disrespectful of women. Thus Cat has unflattering associations in the vernacular of some Native people.There are also stories depicting Cats as synonymous with greed and avarice.

Mohave and Zuni people had more favourable associations with Cat, calling on Cat Spirit Animal to help them succeed in hunting expeditions and also seeing Cat as able to assist with healing.Though it has been many generations since Cat first provoked hesitation or fear among some Native people, Cat is now commonly seen as an independent and intelligent animal companion and there is less of a deep seated bias against Cats compared to previously in history in which Cat was associated with evildoing and harmful magic. Some traditional stories talk of a creature called Pogumk, a Black Cat who was associated with witchcraft and destructive magic. Some tribes associate Cat with the cardinal direction South and the color red. The Pawnee people have more of an attitude of reverence for Cats and see Cats as connected to their deceased Ancestors and to the stars. The fur from Wildcats was used as a protective garment in some tribes.

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