PTSD Healing Crystal Bag Group 44 in a little organza bag complete with Information Sheet. It is a good idea to programme your bag of crystals when you first use them. This is very simply done. Hold them in your dominant hand and while concentrating on them repeat 3 times: I want to………
Do NOT stop taking medication prescribed by your healthcare professional. Use these wonderful stones alongside them.
PTSD is an emotional disease that can have both physical and emotional symptoms. This disorder can originate as the result of experiencing physical and emotional trauma earlier in life including CSA. While the physical trauma may have healed the emotional trauma lingers and builds until it begins to show as physical illness. This is your minds way of saying stop, I can’t deal with any more stress and emotional attacks. More and more it is in the news headlines regarding our troops returning from war zones around the world. Left untreated it can disrupt your whole life and in some cases end your life.
Possible symptoms that may be related to PTSD are: Nightmares; Guilt; Helplessness; Depression; Flashbacks; Insomnia; Anxiety; Physical pain; Communication Problems; Rage; Irritability.
These are the crystals we offer you to help bring back your enthusiasm for life:
- Bloodstone – to banish nightmares and insomnia, often used to purify and detoxify the body. Grounds negative energy, brings love into any situation. Aids regain of personal power. Builds courage and strength of mind.
- Amethyst – ideal for meditation and creating serenity, creates balance and helps bring peace and patience. Calms, protects, and cleanses the spirit. Cures nightmares and insomnia, and emotional trauma. It reduces feelings of being victimized and can help heal the sense of loss of innocence. Particularly useful for CSA survivors.
- Lepidolite helps to shift and restructure old energy patterns, bringing light and hope to a situation. Use Lepidolite to reduce stress associated with change. … The soothing energy of Lepidolite can be used to help those suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) including flashbacks, depression and irritability.
- Lapis Lazuli – is helpful in coping with panic attacks, shields from negative energy and returns them to their source. It aids you in expressing feelings and emotions. It can bring clarity and lend you the courage to face truths.
- Fluorite – is wonderful to use for mental clarity, to increase life force to your brain, and balancing the hemispheres of your brain. It increases your ability to concentrate, balancing the positive and negative relationships of your mind. It helps you to see both reality and the truth behind illusion. This crystal eases physical and emotional stress whilst enabling clear thinking and decision making. It carries a calm, stable frequency that brings order to chaos, and scattered and discordant energies into cohesion and harmony. Fluorite encourages and sustains the flawless ideal of health, intellect and emotional well-being by purifying, restructuring, or eliminating anything within the physical or subtle bodies that is not in perfect order.
- Kunzite – has a high lithium content. Stones with lithium in them are the best options for calming anxiety. It brings you back down to a centered state. Kunzite is perfect for helping those who have closed down their hearts to protect themselves from pain. Its nourishing energies fill the heart with higher, divine love, while it gives you the message that it is safe to feel and to love again.
- Black Tourmaline Known as the etheric vacuum cleaner, this powerful stone will send its cleansing vibration throughout the entire energy system, transmuting any negative energy into positive and usable light. It can also work to remove negative energy attachments that could have been picked up in during dark events. It dissipates feelings of helplessness and other types of emotional trauma such as depression and anxiety.
Please visit our Crystal Information Pages for more information on these stones.
You can carry these stones in your pocket, in your purse, in a pouch around your neck, or even sleep with them beside your bed or under your pillow.
NOTE: Scientific evidence about the potential health benefits and risks associated with stones and crystals is hard to come by, but they have been used for thousands and thousands of years. This would seem to show not only their safety, but also their effectiveness. However, always seek medical attention from a qualified medical or mental health worker if you suspect you have a serious problem. The energies radiated from most crystals and gems are subtle and work over time, although some people respond quite quickly to their healing energy. However the energy of others such as Black Obsidian can be much more intense and immediate. Crystals and stones are gifts from nature and emit subtle energy vibrations that influence our own energy vibration.
Photos are for example only. A list of the properties of the stones are included.
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