Peach Morganite Tumble-stone. Morganite with its clear, peach-pink innocence embodies the first pale rays of sunrise that swells the heart and warms the soul, releasing a sense of smallness in a vast universe and opening to the overwhelming presence of a Higher power. This is a Crystal of Divine Love. It brings healing, compassion, assurance and promise. Morganite is a crystal of divine love and supports the physical heart, bringing healing, compassion, assurance and promise. It counters palpitations and other heart-related problems. It cleanses the emotional body of stress and anxiety, old wounds and hidden traumas, and en-kindles lightness within the spirit, as if a burden has been lifted. It brings in the frequency of Divine compassion, inspiring the awareness that life’s suffering and pain served a higher purpose in our spiritual growth, and can be a catalyst for moving forward in peace and confidence. Morganite also expands our ability to connect with and receive guidance from angelic beings and other higher entities, bringing the reassurance of support from Spirit on the emotional level. In circumstances where a tragic event or loss has shaken one’s faith in the Divine, this crystal can also assist in restoring trust in Spirit and confidence in the Divine’s plan for one’s life.
For more information on this delightful stone please visit our Crystal Information Pages. This is a medium tumble-stone approximately 25mm x 15mm. AA Grade. The price is each
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