Ocean Jasper Tumblestone reconnects your inner spirit to the earth and its healing vibrations. If you are stressed and burnt out, take an ocean jasper stone into the woods for a meditation session and breathe in the oxygen released from the trees. A stone of joy and mindful expansion,the natural Valium in your healing crystal first aid kit. The Ocean Jasper crystal healing properties are excellent for soothing past sorrows. To get the most out of these healing benefits, program the stone with the specific intention of healing and letting go. Don’t let the hard times of the past keep you from vibrating at your highest potential today. Moving on takes forgiveness and Ocean Jasper gives us the strength to forget our mistakes and the wisdom to remember the lesson. This charismatic stone teaches compassion, reminding us that when we light a lamp for someone, it also brightens our own path.
Ocean Jasper is considered highly restorative for tissue deterioration of the internal organs, and useful in draining the lymph system of toxins that cause body odor and flatulence. It is thought to help stabilize nutritional absorption of vitamins and minerals, especially in balancing sodium and iodine levels and relieving water retention. Jasper water is particularly useful as a gem elixir because it does not over stimulate the body. It is soothing for the digestive system, calms nausea and vomiting, and strengthens the stomach. Ocean Jasper can be used to ease problems with the thyroid, seasickness and other inner-ear disturbances, and may be useful in treatments for eczema and skin disorders.
Approximately 20 x 15mm. Price is each. For more information on this beautiful stone please visit our Crystal Information Pages
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