Navajo and Zuni Sunface Bear Carving in Shell Earrings


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Navajo and Zuni Sunface Bear Carving in Shell Earrings, hand-carved by Darren Boone of the Navajo, with a Sunface on one side and the other is plain. It has jet eyes and a turquoise mouth. Bear for Inner Strength and Power. Genuine Zuni fetish, totem, spirit or power animal. Comes with certificate of Authenticity. Height of bear is approximately 14mm. Length 26mm. Matching fetish is listed separately.

Sunface is the Zuni design which combines the blue of Sky Father, the red of Earth Mother over a dot which symbolises the world. Thus representing Eternal Happiness.

American Indians have used fetishes throughout recorded history. A fetish is an object believed to have magic powers. These, made by artists amongst the Zuni Indians of New Mexico and the Navajo people, all relate to animals and are carved in semi-precious stones or bones. The Zuni Indians believe in 6 cardinal guardian fetishes – the mountain lion, the badger, the wolf and the bear, the mole and the eagle. The adornments, if any, on the backs of the fetishes in turquoise, coral etc represent arrow heads or feathers to enhance the fetish’s power. The better treatment a fetish receives, the better performance it is likely to provide. The power and strength of a fetish relates to the capabilities of the animal portrayed and is obtained by taking deep breaths from the fetish’s nostrils.

This wonderful bear carving is inspired by the Native American lores and legends.

  • Regularly featured in mythology, the bear is largely a solitary animal.
  • In terms of Native American belief, the bear is a symbol of ‘going within’ and the sweetness of life.

The supplier – Brave Designs – operates a fair trade policy and all prices are set by either the manufacturer or individual designer. The Navajo Nation has been decimated by recent events and ongoing poverty, and now has the highest per capita rate of infection than New York. 40% already live below the poverty line, delays in getting medical supplies, limited access to food stores, hospitals and even access to running water in overcrowded homes and the indifference of the government have all exacerbated the problem. Brave Designs is pledging 15% of all purchases in support of the Navajo people.

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Standing Bear Bear Fetish

Without chain, With chain


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