Motherwort lowers blood pressure


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Motherwort lowers blood pressure and calm anxiety. Latin Names: Leonurus cardiaca syn. Cardiaca crispa, Cardiaca glabra, Lamium cardiac, Leonurus glabra. Plant Family: Lamiaceae. Other Names: Throw-Wort, Lion’s Ear, Lion’s Tail, Roman Motherwort, Agripaume, Herzgespann, Cardiaca, Leonuro, Agripalma, Herbe Battudo, T’ui, Tsan-ts’Ai and Leonurus. Motherwort is a member of the mint family but has a bitter flavour and distinct medicinal scent. Steep in boiling water, strain and serve as a healthy herbal tea! This is the perfect bitter flavour for home brewing and cordials.

It is used as a remedy for female reproductive disorders. For instance, it’s said to help regulate menstrual periods, especially when someone is anxious or tense. Another prominent use for motherwort is as a tonic for the heart (especially heart palpitations), as the Latin word cardiaca (“for the heart”) indicates.

Medicinal use of motherwort dates as far back as the early Greeks, who gave motherwort to pregnant women suffering from anxiety, which is how the herb reportedly got its name. (It’s also known as lion’s tail because it’s thought to resemble the tip of a lion’s tail.)Native to central Eurasia, the hearty herb has now spread to North America, both as a garden plant and as an invasive weed. In herbal medicine, its leaves and flowers are used.

In addition to being a source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, motherwort contains leonurine, a compound found to promote the relaxation of blood vessel walls. Interestingly, it’s this same substance that’s been shown to encourage uterine contractions, lending support to its traditional use in childbirth and as a promoter of menstruation. It is used in several systems of traditional medicine including traditional Chinese medicine.

  • Preliminary research shows that motherwort may have cardiac-protective abilities. For instance, it’s been shown to relax heart cells and to help prevent the blood clots that cause heart attacks.
  • So far, few scientific studies have looked at whether motherwort can help people with anxiety. A small study published in Phytotherapy Research in 2011 included 50 people with high blood pressure and related psychological issues (such as anxiety). After 28 days of treatment with motherwort, 32 percent of participants showed a significant improvement in symptoms of anxiety and depression, while 48 percent of participants showed moderate improvement. There was also an improvement in blood pressure.

Unlike many other herbs in the mint family, motherwort doesn’t smell or taste good and is classified as a bitter herb. Still, some consume it in tea form, sometimes with a flavouring like sugar, honey, or lemon to disguise its unpleasant taste. A tea can be prepared by steeping one to two teaspoons of dried herb per cup of boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Three cups of the tea may be consumed daily, sometimes with a flavouring like sugar, honey, or lemon to disguise its unpleasant taste.

Motherwort may trigger a number of side effects, such as:

  • Diarrhoea
  • Drowsiness
  • Sedation
  • Altered heart rate and rhythm
  • Low blood pressure
  • Uterine bleeding and contractions

In addition, when applied to the skin, motherwort may increase sensitivity to the sun and boost the likelihood of sun damage. Since so few studies have tested motherwort’s health effects in humans, it’s unknown whether this herb is safe for long-term or regular use or how it might interact with medication or other supplements. ALWAYS thoroughly research any new herb you are considering using and if pregnant, lactating or taking prescribed drugs, consult your healthcare provider before use.

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Weight N/A
Small flowering willow herb

120g, 60g


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