Marshmallow Flowers


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Because of its high mucilage content, it soothes or cures inflammation, ulcers, sore throats and the pain of cystitis. Infuse the leaves or flowers to make a gargle. Marshmallow is useful in the treatment of dry coughs because of its antitussive, mucilaginous, and antibacterial properties, and prevents further irritation. More recently, marshmallow has been used to treat certain digestive disorders, including

  • heartburn
  • indigestion
  • ulcerative colitis
  • stomach ulcers
  • and Crohn’s disease.

The mechanism by which it soothes sore throats applies to gastrointestinal mucosa as well, and prevents stomach ulcers from perforation. Marshmallow extract is sometimes added to creams and used to treat inflammatory skin conditions, such as eczema and contact dermatitis. Additional uses are currently being investigated. Mallow has been used medicinally for centuries. The Greeks used marshmallow to treat wounds

  • toothaches
  • coughing
  • and insect stings.

The Romans valued marshmallow roots and leaves for their laxative properties. Mallow is mentioned by Hippocrates and Culpepper in their herbal treatises. The confection marshmallows are so named because they were originally flavored with the roots of this herb.

Always be sure to research the possible side effects of any herb before beginning its use.

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Weight 80 g


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