Linden Flowers (Lime) Loved by Bees


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Linden Flowers (Lime).The old name for the Linden tree according to Shakespeare was the lyne tree which has since been changed to lyme. In mythology Philyra was a nymph and the goddess of perfume, writing, healing, beauty and paper asked the gods to take her from mortality when she gave birth to a centaur after being raped by the god Saturn. Her wish was granted by the gods who turned her into to a linden tree. It was believed that merely sitting under a lime tree would cure people of epilepsy.

Linden has been used to induce sweating for feverish colds and infections, to reduce nasal congestion, and relieve throat irritation and cough. Linden has sedative effects and has been used to treat nervous palpitations and high blood pressure. It has also been added as an ingredient in lotions to relieve itchy skin. However, there is limited clinical information to support these uses.Since the Middle Ages, the flowers of the linden tree have been used to promote sweating. Traditionally, the flowers have been used to treat flu, cough, migraine, nervous tension, ingestion, various types of spasms, liver and gall bladder disorders, diarrhea, and elevated arterial pressure associated with arteriosclerosis. Infusions of the flowers make a pleasant-tasting tea.

Although no recent clinical data has been published, the German Commission E monograph concluded that the linden flower is cardiotoxic; therefore, linden should not be consumed by patients with a history of heart disease. Avoid if pregnant or breastfeeding as not enough is known about them.

The most interesting health benefits of Linden include its ability to improve the immune system, calm and detoxify the body, eliminate anxiety, lower inflammation, and lower blood pressure. If you suffer from mood swings or unexplained chronic stress, a cup of linden tea can be a very wise addition to your health regimen. It has a minor effect on your hormone levels, inducing a state of relaxation for both, the body and the mind.

Linden herbal tea is made from the flowers, leaves or bark of the linden tree. If you want to brew linden tea at home, all you need is 1 teaspoon of dried linden flowers, a mug of hot water and a bit of honey for flavor, although the tea already has a natural sweetness to it. I also enjoy a slice of lemon with it. Brew for up to 15 minutes according to your taste.

The great thing about this herb is that it is safe for children, so they too can enjoy a cup of tea or a relaxing linden herb bath particularly when feeling irritable or restless. Great for hyperactive kids. So give your little one a soothing bath before bedtime. This tea may be the perfect way to end a stressful day. It is calming and relaxing, helping you to get some much needed rest, particularly when you are in need of an insomnia cure and something to soothe your nerves.But this is not all! Linden herbal tea also eases headaches, in particular migraines. By calming the mind, it is great to drink when you’ve been pushing your brain hard with work or study. Just take a break with a cup of tea, and you will be refreshed and rested to start again tomorrow. Unfortunately, nervous tension usually leads to digestive issues. Indigestion and even vomiting may occur when you are really stressed, particularly if you have a weak stomach to begin with. Linden tea is an overall calming tea that may help you feel better.To start you off on the road to recovery, linden herbal tea begins by soothing the digestive tract, this means relief from indigestion, ridding you of stomach pains by reducing spasms along the smooth muscle of the digestive tract.This tea is also known for stimulating the digestive process, which means it may help to increase your appetite.Linden infusions are great for you when you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, healing ulcers, reducing flatulence, bloating sensation and diarrhea. Great for when the pain just seems to take over your whole day. One of the great benefits of tea made with linden flower is its ability to treat gastrocardiac syndrome. This occurs if you have excessive gas forcing your stomach upwards and thus putting pressure on your heart.

Steam baths not only may help to clear the respiratory passageways but also benefit your skin by opening pores, clearing it of dirt and pollution. This may prove helpful when you have dry skin or bad sunburn.It can also be used as a tonic for you to freshen up. Soothes irritated skin, reduces swelling and even serves as a remedy for puffy eyelids. Just use a cotton ball soaked with warm, not hot, tea.Some say that this tea when applied directly to the skin can bring relief to joint pain and certain leg wounds, especially if brought on by poor blood flow.Its soothing and relaxing action makes it a great tea when you suffer from morning or motion sickness. And can also bring you relief from painful menstruation.

Due to the presence of mucilage in linden tea, it is best not to take this tea within 2 hours of taking vitamins or other supplements. Your body’s ability to absorb nutrients may decrease.Be careful when taking lithium along with linden tea, as the herbal infusion may interfere with your body’s ability to get rid of lithium from the blood. Go ahead and talk to your doctor first. ALWAYS thoroughly research any herb you are going to take and if taking prescribed drugs have a chat with your GP first.

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Linden Flowers (Lime)

60g, 120g, 250g


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