Life Everlasting Dried Flowers, Helichrysum angustifolium syn. H. italicum, otherwise known as the daisy or sunflower family, also known as Everlasting Flower, Immortelle, Eternal Flower, Straw-flower, Curry Plant, is used for contacting the spirit world, building psychic powers and healing work. Those who like to make their own perfumes or fragrances also use life everlasting, as its scent is warm and sweet. The herb originates in the United States but has now become common all over the world. Antioxidant and Moisturizing
Life everlasting flowers contain fatty acids are beneficial to the skin for several reasons:
- They’re natural antioxidants that protect from environmental stressors
- They’re moisturizing and hydrating
- They’re helpful for sensitive skin
Ursolic and oleanolic acids are also super protective and supportive. Another benefit of life everlasting is that it can help reduce the appearance of dark spots and brighten your skin’s look.
It has been in use for both medicinal and Magical uses…. A community of Indians known as Potawatomi Indians used to burn and smoke the flowers to send off the evil spirits.
Life Everlasting yellow will help to
- Keep off sickness.
- Cure colds and coughs.
- Control diarrhea.
- Rid the lung of any complications.
- Prolong life.
- What’s not to love?
Life everlasting is a very popular remedy in South Carolina. Life everlasting tea is frequently used as a cold remedy. During the flu epidemic of 1941, life everlasting tea, whisky, and lemon was a popular treatment. Life everlasting is an astringent. The leaves and flowers can be chewed as a remedy for mouth and throat ulcerations. Fresh juice from the life everlasting plant is said to be an aphrodisiac.
While Helichrysum is one of the safest oils for skin application, those with allergies to plants in the Asteraceae family (such as ragweed) should test it on a small area first. As with all new herbs, please research thoroughly before first use and if taking prescribed drugs, have a chat with your GP first
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