Lemon Grass Fine Cut 120g


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Lemon Grass Fine Cut 120g. Lemongrass is a tall, aromatic, tender perennial grass with many stems which is native to India and tropical Asia; it grows to a height of 1.5- 2 metres. Lemon grass is used in many Thai and Caribbean recipes; it combines well with poultry and fish, add it to soups, curries and stir fries or use to make an interesting twist on classic lemonade. It also combines well with ginger or served on its on as a tea. The high level of citronella contained in lemon grass makes it an excellent herb to use in herbal blends to deter fleas and flying insects such as mosquitoes, it can be added to pot pourri and when mixed with lavender and marjoram it makes a relaxing sleep pillow.

Lemon grass stalks can be used as ‘skewers’ for meaty kebabs, simply soak the dried stalks in water over night and put your ingredients around the stalk, as the skewers cook the lemon grass will flavour the food.

Many people believe that lemongrass tea offers multiple health benefits, but researchers have not yet conducted enough large-scale studies to prove these benefits. Lemongrass Tea is the perfect tea to help your body get rid of toxins and excess fats. As a medicinal tea, lemongrass has been used in ancient Indian ayurvedic medicine and in Chinese medicine for a very long time. If you are looking for a detox tea, lemongrass herbal tea may be the right choice for you. It has:

  • anti-microbial
  • anti-fungal
  • anti-bacterial
  • disinfectant
  • and diuretic properties

that allow you to detoxify

  • the pancreas
  • kidneys
  • bladder
  • and the digestive tract.

This cleansing tea may also improve liver function and lower uric acid level.

Drinking a lemongrass infusion on a daily basis helps you with

  • indigestion
  • stomach cramps
  • and gastroenteritis.

And it is also safe for children, so if your child regularly suffers from stomach aches or digestion problems, this tea is a great aid.

It is great to regulate your intestines as it helps if you suffer from gas, bowel spasms and diarrhea. To top it off it aids in preventing constipation by keeping you hydrated. If you are a fan of big meals, drinking a cup or two of lemongrass, helps you eliminate excess fat much faster and reduce water retention in the body. So take a cup of this lemony tea after your meal. Additionally, lemongrass tea is great to lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels. Drinking it will help you reduce the risk of getting cardiovascular diseases. You will be losing weight in the healthiest way possible.

Doctors do know that the tea can help fight against free radicals, thus reducing the incidence of inflammation in the body. Lemongrass contains the inflammation-fighting compounds chlorogenic acid, isoorientin, and swertiajaponin. Inflammation is a factor in many adverse health conditions, including pain and heart disease. As such, lemongrass tea could be a beneficial drink for people to incorporate into their diet.

Lemon grass tea is also useful in relieving anxiety, and even the smell of the tea can relieve stress and anxiety. It can help in lowering cholesterol, and study results suggest that lemongrass may have some infection-preventing capabilities. For example, the herb seems to reduce the incidence of thrush, a fungal infection that commonly affects people with weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV. It is suggested that drinking lemongrass tea infusions daily for 30 days can increase hemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume, and red blood cell count in the body. It also gives useful pain relief and can have diuretic effects, which means that it stimulates the kidneys to release more urine than usual, thus relieving bloating caused by water retention. This is a common symptom of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

To make your healthy tea, Pour a mug of boiling water over a tablespoon of dried or fresh herb and steep for 5 minutes. Strain and enjoy. The tea should have a fresh, citrusy taste. A person should start with one cup of lemongrass tea per day, then add more to their diet over the next days if they wish to. Adding ice cubes will create a cold lemongrass tea. If you wish to drink your tea cold and iced remember to increase the strength by increasing the amount of lemongrass per cup of tea. As the ice melts, the more diluted the tea will get. In addition to drinking lemongrass as a tea, people can add the herb into dishes such as soups and stir fries. Adding a cinnamon stick will ring the changes to your tea, and a tablespoon of honey makes it especially healthy and tasty.

Despite all these amazing health benefits of lemongrass, keep in mind that you must avoid this tea if you are pregnant and it may also produce an allergic reaction to more susceptible persons.

ALWAYS research your herb thoroughly and if taking prescription drugs, consult your doctor before use.

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Weight 120 g


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