Ladies Mantle Herb 60g


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Ladies Mantle Herb 60g.Lady’s Mantle is found both in the wild and in cultivated gardens. It has a time honored traditional use as a woman’s healing herb. It contains salicylic acid and has sedative properties that help to alleviate cramps and painful menstruation. Ladies Mantle has astringent and styptic properties, on account of the tannin it contains. It has a ‘drying and binding character’, according to the old herbals expressed and was traditionally considered one of the best vulneraries or wound herbs. Cuts, scrapes, and burns can be treated with skin washes of lady’s mantle to prevent infection.

To make your uterus happy brew a tea with 1tsp to 1 tablespoon of this herbal mixture: 1/2 cup lady’s mantle
1/2 cup red raspberry leaf and 1/4 cup lemon balm (you can add more to taste). Steep a tablespoon of herbs in a generous cup of hot water for about 5-10 minutes and strain. Begin drinking the tea about a week before you are expecting your period. If you have problems with heavy cramping, try drinking a cup (warm or iced) every day of the month.:)

For more information on the healing properties of this herb please visit our Herbal Information Pages. 60g.

Always be sure to research the possible side effects of any herb before beginning its use.

‘and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations’

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Ladies Mantle Herb

120g, 250g, 500g


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