Jadeite Healing Tumble-stone belongs to the Jade group of minerals. Jadeite can take various colors and shades, including emerald-green, light green, white, pink, brown, black, lilac, yellow and grey. It may be translucent or opaque. Measures approximately 2 x 1cm or less and price is each.
Jadeite heals
- any internal disorders
- strengthens the body
- protects from fatigue
- extends lifespan.
Pink Jadeite strengthens cardiac muscle, the white one improves immunity, and the green Jadeite has a beneficial effect on kidneys’ functionality.
Jadeite is often used by women during childbirth to keep bleeding to a minimum. This also makes it a good choice for menstrual problems, like heavy flow and cramps.
For more information on the healing properties of Jadeite please visit our Crystal Information Pages.
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