Nature holds a storehouse of healing herbs, just waiting to be used. Though herbs have been used for hundreds of years to heal, scientists are finally starting to substantiate these plants’ abilities to heal in so many ways for so many ailments. These are just a few:
- Horsetail is useful if you have brittle finger nails, nose bleeds or earache and makes an excellent eye wash. It is a store house of vitamins and minerals and so makes a tonic for general debility and the tea enriches the blood and revitalises lifeless hair. Its astringent properties strengthen the walls 0f veins, tightening up varicose veins and helps guard against fatty deposits in the arteries.
- The high concentration of tannins in walnut leaves account for most of its properties. They tighten and constrict tissues and so protect areas of skin and controls inflammation and itching. Topical formulations can control excessive sweating of the hands and feet
- Plantain is found in most gardens, and is beloved of tortoises. Historically it is famous as a wound healer and antidote to poisons. Taken internally, plantain has a soothing action particularly in the respiratory, digestive and urinary systems relieving irritated and inflamed conditions such as colitis, gastritus, bronchitis, harsh coughs and cystitis
- Clivers or Ladies bedstraw, may be used in many nervous conditions and makes an excellent cleansing remedy to remove toxins and to reduce heat and inflammation. Its cooling effect reduces fevers and helps to resolve infections such as measles and chickenpox as well as inflammatory problems like arthritis and cystitis.
- Golden Rod 125g has astringent and diuretic properties and can be taken internally against diarrhoea as well as urinary infections and stones. Because of the diuretic effect, it reduces toxins in the body which helps to relieve arthritis and gout.
- According to medical herbalists, the Red Leaf Sage is the preferred medicinal variety. Research has suggested that the presence of a volatile oil in sage is largely responsible for most of its therapeutic properties, especially its antiseptic, astringent and relaxing actions. This also gives sage an oestrogenic action which is partly responsible for hormonal effects, such as reducing breast-milk production.
For more information on the healing properties of these herbs please visit our Herbal Information Pages.
Always be sure to research the possible side effects of any herb before beginning its use.
‘and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations’
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