Healing Crystals Group 26 to help with the symptoms of Influenza and Colds and to strengthen your Immune System.
For the Immune System we suggest
- Bloodstone – a powerful healer and blood cleanser. It cleanses the energy and stimulates the immune system against acute infections. It also stimulates the flow of lymph and the metabolism. It revitalises the physical body when it has been exhausted and removes toxins in the liver, intestines, kidneys, spleen and bladder
- Amethyst – strengthens the immune system and the cleansing and eliminating organs. It relieves physical, emotional and psychological pain or stress. It eases headaches and relieves insomnia, reduces bruises ans swellings. It heals dis-ease of the lungs and respiratory tract, skin conditions and cellular disorders.
- Chiastolite – balances the immune system and invokes protective spiritual forces during illness or trauma. It lessens fevers and alleviates over-acidity. It repairs chromosome damage, fortifies your nerves and assists in attuning to your soul’s purpose.
- Iron Pyrite – helps block negative energy and pollutants at all levels including infectious diseases and can shield from physical danger. It boosts your energy and overcomes fatigue. It increases the oxygen supply to the blood and strengthens the circulatory system. It is beneficial to the lungs alleviating asthma and bronchitis
- Black Tourmaline – grounds energy and increases physical vitality while strengthening the immune system allowing the body to heal itself and defend against debilitating disease. It also provides pain relief
For Influenza
- Fluorite – sustains overall health and throws out by purification anything that shifts your energy out of alignment. A natural anti-viral, immune booster and anti-inflammatory
- Bloodstone – a powerful healer and blood cleanser. It cleanses the energy and stimulates the immune system against acute infections. It also stimulates the flow of lymph and the metabolism. It revitalises the physical body when it has been exhausted and removes toxins in the liver, intestines, kidneys, spleen and bladder
- Moss Agate – speeds up the healing process and counteracts long term illness. It is anti-inflammatory and reduces swelling in the lymph nodes, cleanses the circulatory and elimination processes. It helps prevent hypoglycemia and dehydration
- Smokey Quartz – provides some of the finest healing available. It removes toxins from the body, regulates fluids within the body and protects the pulmonary tracts and regenerates the bronchi. It relieves pain and headaches and aids the assimilation of minerals
- Citrine – carries the power of the sun, warming and energising. A powerful cleanser and healer, it also cleanses the chakras particularly the solar and navel chakras and imparts energy and invigoration to the physical body
For colds we offer
- Carnelian – which boosts the life-force energy thus strengthening the immune system and increasing vitality. Its bold energy brings a rush of warmth and joy that lingers, stimulating and empowering.
- Green Aventurine – also stimulates the Chi to aid your recovery. It is anti-inflammatory and gives a sense of mental and emotional well-being. Green Aventurine is an all-around healing stone with benefits for the lungs, liver, sinuses and heart. Use it to loosen and release negativity and energy blockages, including disease.
- Aquamarine – helps with the respiratory tract and lungs and can help you to recover from bronchial coughing and the sinuses
- Fluorite – encourages and sustains the flawless ideal of health, intellect and emotional well-being by purifying, restructuring, or eliminating anything within the physical or subtle bodies that is not in perfect order. It may be used to dispel disorders at the beginning of symptoms, and is regarded as a natural antiviral, immune stimulator, and anti-inflammatory agent.
- Labradorite – helps the lungs and any sort of respiratory problems. It regulates your body & metabolism. It is also a Master Healer of the emotions which may become low at these times
- Clear Quartz – contains the full spectrum of colour so heals on all levels as well as amplifying the effects of the other crystals
For more information on these wonderful stones please visit our Crystal Information Pages
You can carry these stones in your pocket, in your purse, in a pouch around your neck, or even sleep with them beside your bed or under your pillow.
NOTE: Scientific evidence about the potential health benefits and risks associated with stones and crystals is hard to come by, but they have been used for thousands and thousands of years. This would seem to show not only their safety, but also their effectiveness. However, always seek medical attention from a qualified medical or mental health worker if you suspect you have a serious problem. The energies radiated from most crystals and gems are subtle and work over time, although some people respond quite quickly to their healing energy. However the energy of others such as Black Obsidian can be much more intense and immediate. Crystals and stones are gifts from nature and emit subtle energy vibrations that influence our own energy vibration.
Photos are for example only. It is a good idea to programme your bag of crystals when you first use them. Simply hold the bag in your dominant hand, concentrate on them and say 3 times: I want …… A list of the properties of the stones are included.
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