Healing Crystals Bag To Protect Healers or Therapists
An organza bag of healing crystals to help protect Healers and Therapists during their daily work with clients.
- Pehnite – heals the healers. It connects you to Archangel Raphael
- Rutilated Quartz – filters negative energy from a client and protects and supports their energy field during emotional release and confronting the darker side of the psyche
- Rose Quartz – purifies and opens the heart bringing deep inner healing. It calms, reassures and spreads a loving energy if you or the client is overwhelmed
- Bloodstone – banished evil and negativity and directs spiritual energies. A Grounding & Protective stone. It teaches you to avoid dangerous situations
- Labradorite – the bringer of light into all situations, deflecting unwanted energies from your aura and forms a barrier to negative energies shed during therapy. It stimulates your intuition and psychic gifts and reveals the real intention behind thoughts and actions
- Pyrite – is an excellent energy shield and wards off negative vibrations both physical and emotional. It shields you from physical danger, boosts your energy and overcomes fatigue and feelings of inadequacy. It stimulates the flow of ideas and promotes diplomacy. It shields from psychic attacks, calms and overturns negative outlooks and teaches you to see behind a facade
We need to find a working environment that makes us feel safe and comfortable, then we know instinctively that it is a space that can hold us and protect us, a space that can help us heal others while protecting ourselves. Every space in the universe, whether in our own home or outside it in nature or the world at large, carries its own energy, some good – some disturbing – some neutral with no energy. Prepare well in your own special way, whether by prayer, chanting, intentionality, visualisation, whatever you use. Setting your intention sets the tone for your desired outcome. Claiming your desires and then sending good emotional energy to align with the Universe helps to manifest your intentions. Citing or posting affirmative statements, using visualizations, repeating a mantra or saying prayer are all effective ways to set your intention. Sitting on a comfy chair, yoga mat or meditation pillow to center yourself before a session is a good way to get into your flow. You might find it useful to set the intention with your client to inspire a shared vision, strengthen your connection, and to raise your collective vibration to manifest the desired outcome. You may be asking yourself, “Why do I need to protect myself from my clients? Simply put, you are not protecting yourself from your clients. You are protecting your emotional and spiritual self from the toxic energy that is released by toxic words, thoughts and emotions through the exchange with your client. This is part of the healing process and your client is not to be blamed at all. Your client is seeking to be renewed in some way and has chosen you because they trust you to help them resolve what is challenging in their lives. There are many items you can use in your space such as candles of protection, protection Incense, healing stones and sacred crystals (this healing ag for instance), healing jewelry, dream catchers, himalayan pink salt lamps, prayer beads, essential oils, essential oil diffuser, and soothing music. You need to Clear or cleanse your space before and after your session by Smudging which will also cleanse the crystals. Also, after the healing session, do a quick energy healing session on yourself, get outdoors take a walk and take deep breathes, meditate, or do more visualization and prayer. Taking care of yourself should be a priority. When you are depleted, you are much more vulnerable to toxic waste attracting and attaching itself to you. Surround yourself with beautiful things – plants, art, pleasing objects; keep up your pure water uptake – keep hydrated; Drinking herbal tea, such as green tea is another great way to hydrate your body and increase the antioxidants in your body. Always aim to increase your energy, balance your mood, and promote vitality to be your best self for you and your clients. Remember to give thanks to your client, yourself and your spiritual source. Have a grateful mind. Be glad and joyful, and show it. Shout for Victory. Whether you get your spiritual support and protection from God, the Universe, Mother Nature, angels, spirit guides or No-Thing at all, it doesn’t matter. Just be thankful for the gift that has been bestowed upon you to help others be, do and feel better than before.
Photos are for example only. It is a good idea to programme your bag of crystals when you first use them. Simply hold the bag in your dominant hand, concentrate on them and say 3 times: I want …… A list of the properties of the stones are included.
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