Healing Crystals Bag Group 30 for Men, Women and Children


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Healing Crystals Bag Group 30 for Men, Women and Children. Price is per bag

Issues that men have include social isolation, stress-related, emotional health, intuition, communications, health issues, self-esteem and power. Crystals helpful to men are:

  • Malachite – is the ultimate crystal to attract love for men. Men have a more logical aspect of understanding, where as women tend to prefer the softer nurturing energies. Malachite provides you with a bit of “tough love” in order to create incentive for transformation. Its energy stops you from being trapped in your own reality waiting for it to change and instead gives you the strength to change your love life yourself. Malachite also helps you release the quest to find the perfect partner. It reminds you that life isn’t perfect and encourages you to overlook someone else’s imperfections instead of nitpicking what’s wrong with them. “A Man’s Stone” – The deep forest green of Malachite is symbolic of the deep healing and cleansing this stone provides. It can aid in breaking down old patterns, whether emotional (stuck patterns of behavior) or physical (tumors, swollen joints, muscular). Malachite promotes business relationships and the increase of wealth by removing obstacles to one’s growth. The most important aspect of this crystal’s healing ability, however, is for the preventive health of the physical heart and liver
  • Moonstone – to soften and balance dominant male attributes with some feminine qualities, Moonstone provides for a depth of perception and feelings, discernment, creativity and self-expression. It increases awareness and focus, releases one’s intuition, has rejuvenating qualities for the skin and hair (baldness?), reduces water retention, and provides protection for travelers
  • Pyrite – is a powerful money crystal for men. It invites in the energy of abundance, wealth and prosperity, helping you to make thoughtful financial and business decisions. It is also powerfully protective and acts as a shield bouncing any negative energy directed at them back to the original sender
  • Jade – A “Crystal of Tranquility”. Also called “the Sport Stone”, promoting agility and swiftness. Many men from the Far East know the benefits of wearing Jade. Some will tell you that it is for their health, and how the colour of the Jade gets darker with good health and lighter with declining health. Jade soothes the emotions, and provides emotional detachment and restoration after various traumas such as minor surgery, divorce, funerals, or loss of job. Some say it is for good luck
  • Smokey Quartz – The “Emotional Balancer Crystal” – Smokey Quartz is a very specialized crystal for negative emotional energy. This crystal is excellent for mood swings, aggressive actions, ill temper, and generally nasty thoughts. It grounds all kinds of negative energy. This stone is helpful for burnout, fear of failure, reluctance to take risks, or wanting revenge, as well as for tendencies to over-eat, smoke or drink due to stress. It helps you accept responsibility for yourself, and to broaden your capacity for effective communication by dissolving self-limiting perceptions
  • Garnet – The “Sex Stone” – Garnet strengthens and restores physical and emotional energy lost through constantly ensuring the protection and welfare of others. When you feel a bit lost or abandoned in the chaos of daily life, Garnet helps to provide the needed grounding and empowering to become more decisive and committed to a direction. Garnet is well-known for enhancing and regenerating one’s sexuality (the physical aspects)

Crystals & stones can assist women of all ages and in all stages of healing. For Women’s issues we suggest:

  • Apache Tears – the ultimate stone dealing with grief. Very protective, excellent for absorbing negative energy, protecting your aura. Comforts in times of grief giving you a true understanding of distressful situations. Stimulate spontaneity and remove self-limiting barriers. Shows you how to heal all destructive and dis-empowering conditions. Provides deep soul healing. Promotes a forgiving attitude and a release of long-held grievances and resentments
  • Botswana Agate – helps you to accept yourself, builds your self-confidence. Helps you to see the “bigger picture” and find solutions rather than dwelling on problems. Agate is a very grounding, centering and stabilizing stone that provides emotional, physical and intellectual balance. Soothing and calming, it also provides great strength. Helps you to speak your own truth
  • Moonstone – one of the very best stones for women. It’s most powerful effect is stabilizing & calming your emotions. Reminds you that everything is part of a cycle of change. Helps you to be more reflective. Calms over-reactions to situations as well as emotional triggers, stress relieving. Excellent for PMS, conception, pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding
  • Rose Quartz – a crystal of unconditional love & infinite peace. Calming & reassuring, excellent for use in crisis situations. Attracts love. Restores trust and harmony in relationships. Gently draws off negative energy & replaces it with loving vibrations. Helps you accept necessary change. An excellent stone for mid-life crisis
  • Hematite – grounding and very protective. Harmonizes your body, mind and spirit. Dissolves negativity, brings peace and harmony. Supports timid people, especially women; boosts self-esteem and self-confidence. Removes self-limitations and helps you to see unfulfilled desires that drive your life
  • Sodalite – an excellent stone for busy women who find no time for peace and need to relax and restore their mental energies. Stimulates the pineal gland and your Third Eye Chakra, deepens meditation and helps you to understand your circumstances better. Helps you to be true to yourself, stand up for your beliefs and verbalize your feelings. Stimulates trust and companionship, the release of old mental conditioning and rigid patterns & mindsets

For issues worrying children we suggest:

  • Prehnite – a serene stone of unconditional love that seals a child’s auric field in a protective shield of divine energy. A good stone for children who are overly possessive. Helps to alleviate nightmares, phobias and deep fears. Very beneficial for hyperactive children
  • Carnelian – helpful for feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem, Carnelian instills self-security and self-love. Useful for daydreamers. Calms anger. Stimulates creativity, inquisitiveness, initiative
  • Amethyst – For children in transition, whether it be a growth spurt, a major disappointment such as failing a grade, or even hearing the devastating news of a divorce or death, Amethyst will help them accept all negative emotions and provides support and comfort. Amethyst also helps with nightmares or insomnia
  • Green Aventurine – a comforting stone that heals and protects the Heart Chakra, instilling a sense of well-being and emotional calm. An excellent stone for children who are shy and/or timid, and suppress their leadership qualities. Helps them to persevere, stimulates perception and creativity. Calms anger and irritation
  • Rose Quartz – a crystal of unconditional love and infinite peace, Rose Quartz can help a child who has a lot of hurt feelings or aggressive tendencies. A calming and reassuring stone that also helps a child to love themselves and to feel lovable
  • Citrine – warming and energizing and a powerful healing crystal. Grounding and protects a child’s aura, imparts joy, releases negativity and helps a child to share. Balances emotions, overcomes fears, anger and enhances individuality. Encourages self-expression, raises esteem and self-confidence, helps a child to be less sensitive to criticism

You can carry any or all of these stones in your pocket or purse, in a pouch around your neck, or even sleep with them beside your bed or under your pillow. Since stones and crystals vibrate and emit pure, strong vibrations at constant rates, they can be used to help eliminate distortions and restore proper balance within ourselves, leading to better overall physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Each stone and crystal emits subtle vibrations that influence a specific area of your body. Matching the stone or crystal to its specific use allows you to get the most benefit from these natural gifts of harmony.

Scientific evidence about the potential health benefits and risks associated with stones and crystals is hard to come by, but crystals and stones have been used for thousands and thousands of years. This would seem to indicate not only their safety, but also their effectiveness. However, always seek medical attention from a qualified medical or mental health worker, or a Natural Health Practitioner, if you suspect you have a serious problem. The energies radiated from crystals and gems are subtle, and work over time.

Photos are for example only. It is a good idea to programme your bag of crystals when you first use them. Simply hold the bag in your dominant hand, concentrate on them and say 3 times: I want …… A list of the properties of the stones are included.

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Healing Bag of Crystals Group 30 for Men, Women & Children

Men, Women, Children


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