These are little organza bags filled with the appropriate crystals for your particular healing needs. Here we offer crystals for Nightmares and Insomnia.
For Nightmares we suggest:
- Mangano Calcite – lifts tension & anxiety. Helps you to let go of past experiences where you still feel fear or grief over what happened
- Citron Chrysoprase – touches traumas from childhood which heals and releases the inner child. It encourages a relaxed dream state and overcomes fear of the dark at night as well as calming the mind
- Orange Garnet – overcomes fear of new experiences and failure. An antidepressant. Makes one more optimistic and confident
- Amethyst – relieves mental & physical pain, gives a feeling of contentment & security. Promotes restful sleep & peaceful dreaming
- Emerald -revered as the ‘Dream Stone’, emerald is really the stuff of good dreams. It chases away demons and supernaturally evil spirits from your dream. It is best for little girls and boys as it keeps them distracted and away from evil. Just like a bedtime story actually winds down the mind of a child. It helps in enhancing blood circulation to boost the rate of cell regeneration during REM sleep. Emerald is a dreaming stone you can trust!
- Brown Jasper – is particularly grounding as a worry stone, and may be used as a rescue stone for dissolving a sudden rush of fear, anger or panic. It is also effective for banishing nightmares or harmful thoughts.
For Insomnia
- Howlite – calms and soothes upset states of mind and emotion. Brings relaxation and alleviates leg cramps
- Citron Chrysoprase – encourages a relaxed dream state. Helps with problem solving, calms the mind
- Lapis Lazuli – relieves stress and brings peace, helps stop restlessness. Quiets the mind
- Sodalite – calms panic attacks, and relieves fears. calms and lessens any confusion of mind
- Labradorite – Master healer of the spirit, giving quick relief to worry and tension. Promotes easier & more restful sleep
For more details about these stones please visit our Crystal Information Pages
You can carry these stones in your pocket, in your purse, in a pouch around your neck, or even sleep with them beside your bed or under your pillow.
NOTE: Scientific evidence about the potential health benefits and risks associated with stones and crystals is hard to come by, but they have been used for thousands and thousands of years. This would seem to show not only their safety, but also their effectiveness. However, always seek medical attention from a qualified medical or mental health worker if you suspect you have a serious problem. The energies radiated from most crystals and gems are subtle and work over time, although some people respond quite quickly to their healing energy. However the energy of others such as Black Obsidian can be much more intense and immediate. Crystals and stones are gifts from nature and emit subtle energy vibrations that influence our own energy vibration.
Photos are for example only. It is a good idea to programme your bag of crystals when you first use them. Simply hold the bag in your dominant hand, concentrate on them and say 3 times: I want …… A list of the properties of the stones are included.
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