Healing Bag Crystals Gp 16 Helping Positive Energy
Healing Bag of Crystals Gp 16 for Worry, Confidence and Happiness. These are little organza bags of healing crystals to help you increase your positive energy.
To help you control Worry we suggest
- Rhodonite – brings calm and steadfastness after a trauma. Calming and helps you cope with change
- Lepidolite-calms and quelles sleep disturbances. Relieves tightness of the muscles
- Citrine-Reduces anxiety, fear & depression. Invigorating & active
- Blue Lace Agate-Promotes peace & tranquility
- Amazonite-harmonises the nervous system, dispels worry & fear. Releases anger or irritability. Balances mood swings
For Confidence building
- Citrine-raises your self-esteem & self confidence. Makes you less sensitive especially to criticism
- Sodalite-Helps you to be true to yourself and stand up for your beliefs. Helps a defensive or over-sensitive person to release their core fears, phobias and built-in control mechanisms
- Tiger’s Eye-reveals issues of self worth, self criticism and blocked creativity. Helps you to recognise your talents & abilities
- Pyrite-helps you to tap into your abilities and potential. Stimulates the flow of ideas & boosts your self worth & self confidence
- Moss Agate-Refreshes your soul. Strengthens positive personality traits. Helps you to express yourself & communicate with others
To bring out your Happiness and Positive Energy we offer
- Carnelian-replaces negativity with a love of life
- Yellow Jade-attracts love, good luck & friendship
- Smokey Quartz-helps you to leave behind things that don’t serve you well anymore
- Sunstone-instills feelings of Joy of Life, and good nature. Restores a sweetness to life
- Pyrite-encourages recall of warm & happy memories of love & friendship
For more information on the healing properties of these stones please visit our Crystal Information Pages.
You can carry these stones in your pocket, in your purse, in a pouch around your neck, or even sleep with them beside your bed or under your pillow. Photos are for example only.
NOTE: Scientific evidence about the potential health benefits and risks associated with stones and crystals is hard to come by, but they have been used for thousands and thousands of years. This would seem to show not only their safety, but also their effectiveness. However, always seek medical attention from a qualified medical or mental health worker if you suspect you have a serious problem. The energies radiated from most crystals and gems are subtle and work over time, although some people respond quite quickly to their healing energy. However the energy of others such as Black Obsidian can be much more intense and immediate. Crystals and stones are gifts from nature and emit subtle energy vibrations that influence our own energy vibration.
It is a good idea to programme your bag of crystals when you first use them. Simply hold the bag in your dominant hand, concentrate on them and say 3 times: I want …… A list of the properties of the stones are included.
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