Golden Rod Dried Herb 60g has astringent and diuretic properties and can be taken internally against diarrhea as well as urinary infections and stones. Because of the diuretic effect, it reduces toxins in the body which helps to relieve arthritis and gout.
Taken as a hot tea it will bring down fevers and help clear catarrh as well as relieving colic, nausea and period pains. A cold compress on fresh wounds will help because of its anti-inflammatory properties.
Native Americans used golden rod as a lotion for bee stings.
Goldenrod is used to
- reduce pain and swelling (inflammation)
- as a diuretic to increase urine flow
- and to stop muscle spasms
- also useful in joint pain (rheumatism)
- as well as eczema and other skin conditions
Goldenrod is also useful in the treatment of
- diabetes
- enlargement of the liver
- haemarroids
- internal bleeding
- hay fever
- asthma
- and an enlarged prostate.
For many more healing properties of this herb please visit our Herb Information Pages.
Always be sure to research the possible side effects of any herb before beginning its use.
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