There are many different varieties of garnet available and almandine is one of the red garnet varieties. Almandine garnet tumblestone, a powerful energiser and regenerator. It revitalises and purifies and balances energy. It stimulates the metabolism.It will protect us from illness and harm, bring us good luck and new opportunities. They will give us the energy to be committed to projects, let problems become challenges and show us how to take time for ourselves so we don’t affect our health. They give us self respect and help us to grow spiritually. They balance the hormones and are good for the skin. Garnet is known as “the stone of health”. It helps to overcome fears concerning new experiences or fear of failure. It’s energy allows one to be optimistic and confident in one’s actions and to make the changes needed to move forward on one’s path in a positive manner. Orange Garnet aids with fertility issues and the health of the reproductive system. It strengthens the heart and fortifies both the small intestine and our immune system. It treats lactose intolerance and calcium imbalance. It is a stone for our general health. Garnet
- increases our levels of physical passion
- sexuality
- and sexual energy
- and aids fertility and reproduction.
It helps to instill within us a desire to help others. It brings relief from nightmares and is an antidepressant.
For more information on the healing properties of this stone please visit our Crystal Information Pages.
Free Shipping. Approximately 30mm, 30-40g. Price is each. Discount refunded on 5+ assorted purchases
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