Eucalyptus Tree is also called a Gum Tree. It has been a traditional Australian aboriginal medicine for centuries, the aborigines called it ‘Kino’ they first used it to treat headaches, fevers and colds, then they began to use it as a poultice for festering wounds, inflammations and rheumatism. Eucalyptus was first used as an antiseptic by surgeons in the early 19th century; it was used during operations and for cleaning rooms and equipment. Add the leaves to baths to help ease the systems of colds and flu. A decoction can be added to liniments and rubs for easing painful joints and gardening aches. Eucalyptus tea is very popular for curing a range of medical conditions, such as its ability to
- boost respiratory health
- strengthen the immune system
- protect skin health
- ease tension and anxiety
- lower blood sugar
- eliminate inflammation
- and fight against bacterial infection.
This product should only be consumed after infusion in boiling water.Always be sure to research the possible side effects of any herb before beginning its use.
‘and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations’
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