Comfrey roots, sometimes called knitbone, has been valued for many years for its wonderful ability to promote the repair of wounds, ulcers and broken bones.
Comfrey root has been used since Roman times, dating back thousands of years. This herb has been utilized in folk medicine throughout Europe and North America and has been widely cultivated as a garden medicinal specifically for its reputation for healing various internal and external wounds. Traditionally in Europe, the root was used in cases of sprains or strains or broken bones. Due to the roots high mucilage content, it was often utilized in the same way as marshmallow root. Dried root as a salve, fresh or dried as root a poultice. Dried root infused in carrier oil for topical use. Make a paste with a little water and use for stubborn wounds and bleeding piles. Infuse in hot oil to use on arthritic joints, bruises, sprains, other knocks and inflamed bunions. Make a tincture to apply to acne. Dissolve in hot water to use for bed sores and the like, and varicose ulcers.
As with all herbs, please research your herb thoroughly before using. Be especially careful if pregnant or nursing a baby.
‘and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations’
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