Comfrey roots, sometimes called knitbone, has been valued for many years for its wonderful ability to promote the repair of wounds, ulcers and broken bones. You can use the leaf and the root, fresh or dried. It is
- Demulcent
- mildly astringent
- and expectorant.
As the plant abounds in mucilage, it is frequently given whenever a mucilaginous medicine is required and has been used like Marshmallow for intestinal troubles. It is very similar in its emollient action to Marshmallow, but in many cases is even preferred to it and is an ingredient in a large number of herbal preparations.
- It forms a gentle remedy in cases of
- diarrhoea
- and dysentery.
A decoction is made by boiling 1/2 to 1 OZ. of crushed root in 1 quart of water or milk, which is taken in wineglassful doses, frequently.
For its demulcent action it has long been employed domestically in lung troubles and also for quinsy and whooping-cough. The root is more effectual than the leaves and is the part usually used in cases of coughs. It is highly esteemed for all pulmonary complaints, consumption and bleeding of the lungs.
For more healing properties of this root please visit our Herb Information Pages.
Always be sure to research the possible side effects of any herb before beginning its use.
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