Bronzite Healing Crystal


SKU: BronzTS Category:


Bronzite Healing Crystal. Bronzite is a variety of Enstatite. It is known to be a common part of meteorites. It’s typical colour is as the name implies Bronze. Bronzite is used for protection, as it not only repels, but also sends back the negative energies to the sender. It clears confusion, helping our ability to make decisions and choices about our life path. Bronzite is a “stone of courtesy”, especially helpful to people who greet and assist the public. It will even instill a polite nature in those around you. Emotionally, Bronzite promotes a loving and unprejudiced discernment within us. It provides the ability to resolve unsettled emotions in our life. Mentally, Bronzite provides us with the courage to act on our thoughts and feelings. It instills the courage to follow through with life path decisions. Physically, Bronzite can be used to bring an alkaline body state to the acid condition, helping to fight off infections. It can increase the assimilation of iron and provides an improved duration of iron within the physical body.

A protective warrior stone, the Bronzite crystal meaning is associated with boosting self-confidence and infusing the spirit with the courage to follow through on actions. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by modern life and powerless to change it, call on the Bronzite crystal to not just repel negative energy but also send it back to the owner.

Use the Bronzite crystal properties during your meditation practice and let its energy encourage thoughts of love, peace, and harmony. With its bright and radiant energy, Bronzite is your daily dose of Vitamins for the soul. Keep it on hand and always have a bodyguard that wards off spiritual toxins, psychic vampires and ill wishes, leaving you safeguarded from the negative vibes of others.

Harness the stabilizing properties of Bronzite by keeping your stone recharged and cleansed with a sage stick. Using the Native American tradition of smudging, fully envelope your stone with sage smoke and then give it a specific intention. That way, the stone can hold onto your desires so you can access its energy whenever you need support. One way to set your intention is by bringing awareness to your heart with a few deep breathes and observing the stillness within. On the inhale and exhale, let go of all negative emotions and grudges and feel the light of harmony and stability shining bright within your soul.

For more information on this crystal, please visit our Crystal Information Pages. 20-30 mm. Price is each. Free shipping. Discount refunded on 5+ assorted purchases.


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