Barberry Bark 60 or 120g


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Barberry is a perennial deciduous shrub that grows to a height of 3 metres; Culpeper in the 17th century wrote of the use of barberry as ‘an excellent remedy to purge the body of choleric humours, and free it from diseases as choler causeth, such as scabs, itch, tetters, ringworms, yellow jaundice, boils etc’. The French call the barberry ’ Épine-Vinette’, which means literally ‘acid spine’ all parts of the plant are acidic and the stems are covered with small sharp thorns.

Barberry bark powder can be used to make compresses and poultices for

  • boils
  • psoriasis
  • conjunctivitis
  • and itchy skin.

Barberry is a traditional bitter tonic that helps support the liver functions and cleanse a congested system.

Barberry is a rich natural source of berberine. Berberine is bright yellow and somewhat bitter, and has long been used in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial effects. This well known antiseptic photochemical, also found in goldenseal (much more expensive!) and Oregon grape root, is used to treat a wide range of infections of the ears, eyes, mouth, and throat, staph and strep bacteria, each of which can commonly cause bacterial pinkeye.

Other common infections that can effectively be treated by barberry include

  • yeast and bladder infections
  • and skin disorders, especially those like psoriasis that can benefit from a liver tonic

Barberry has been used in traditional herbal medicine since early Egyptian times. This is confirmed by modern science : Compounds in barberry inhibit the COX-2 enzyme.

Whole herb extracts of barberry contain berberine as well as a supporting cast of chemicals that calm chronic inflammation. Barberry and other berberine-containing herbs thus offer significant medical benefits for rheumatoid arthritis as well as cancers.

Always be sure to research the possible side effects of any herb before beginning its use.

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Additional information

Weight 175 g
Barberry Bark Powder

60g, 120g


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