Tea tree oil is very important in the health of the immune system, as it acts as a immuno-stimulant and increases the body’s ability to fight off any infections, while it also is used to revive the mind and body after shock. The world over, this oil is used with great effectiveness to ward of infections of any kind, and it is active in all three varieties of infectious organisms: bacteria, fungi and viruses. Tea tree oil is derived from the leaves of the tea tree. The tea tree was named by eighteenth century sailors, who made tea that smelled like nutmeg from the leaves of the tree growing on the swampy southeast Australian coast. Do not confuse the tea tree with the unrelated common tea plant that is used to make black and green teas. Tea tree oil is applied to the skin (used topically) for
- infections such as acne
- fungal infections of the nail (onychomycosis)
- lice
- scabies
- athlete’s foot (tinea pedis)
- and ringworm.
It is also used topically as a local antiseptic for
- cuts and abrasions
- for burns
- insect bites and stings
- boils
- vaginal infections
- recurrent herpes labialis
- toothache
- infections of the mouth and nose
- sore throat
- and for ear infections such as otitis media and otitis externa.
Some people add it to bath water to treat cough, bronchial congestion, and pulmonary inflammation.