

This blue-green algae is a freshwater plant that is now one of the most researched, and most talked about superfoods today. Grown around the world from Mexico to Africa to even Hawaii, spirulina is renowned for its intense flavor and even more powerful nutrition profile! Our powder comes from India. It is so dark green it looks black in the photograph. Whether you are taking it as part of your ‘clean’ food diet plan, as a healthy extra to your normal diet or if you need to improve your immune system – eyes – joint health – or for a detox – etc etc, you will find Spirulina your best friend.

Spirulina often gets mis-classified as an herb because of its amazing health promoting properties, but it’s actually a bacteria, or a blue-green algae that’s found in pristine freshwater lakes, ponds, and rivers. It is most commonly recognized as one of the world’s most nutritionally complete superfoods, as it offers health benefits to practically every organ and bodily function.

  • Spirulina has long been revered for its ability to strengthen the immune system. Because it actively promotes cell regeneration, it helps wounds heal quicker, and makes recovery from illnesses occur faster. Spirulina fortifies one’s immune system, leaving the person less likely to experience colds, flus, and other contractible illnesses
  • Spirulina is an excellent supplement for those looking to improve their eye health. This blue-green algae is very rich in vitamin A, and this vitamin is exceptionally important for healthy eyes
  • Spirulina is one of the leading sources of Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory agents in nature. GLA is also particularly beneficial to women, as it can ease the symptoms of PMS. Gram per gram, it also has 26-times the calcium of milk, making it an excellent nutritional supplement for pregnant women
  • Spirulina eases the passage of waste through the digestive system, thereby reducing stress on the entire system. It also promotes healthy bacteria in the digestive system, and helps to improve the absorption of dietary nutrients
  • Spirulina has a very high concentration of chlorophyll, one of nature’s most powerful detoxifying agents. It has been shown to be effective at helping remove toxins from the blood, and it binds to heavy metals and radioactive isotopes, making it very beneficial for those undergoing radioactive therapy
  • Spirulina is very high in bio-available iron, making it beneficial to those with anemia or pregnancy, with reduced risk of constipation
  • Spirulina is a good source of vitamins B-1(thiamine), B-2 (riboflavin), B-3(nicotinamide), B-6 (pyridoxine), B-9 (folic acid), B-12 (cobalamin), vitamin E, and vitamin K1 and K2
  • It is also a source of potassium, chromium, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, and zinc
  • It has four times the antioxidant ability of blueberries
  • Spirulina is a good source of protein: gram per gram more so than beef, poultry, fish, and soybeans.

Given the support that spirulina can lend to nearly every biological process, almost anyone can benefit from taking it. Spirulina can also be particularly valuable to special populations in need of an energy boost, including pregnant women, the elderly, and menstruating women. Mix with 8 or more oz of water, juice or your favorite smoothie. Refrigerate after opening to maximize freshness.

You may take Spirulina Powder as a supplement in your nutrition but it is a different supplement from others which are mainly extracts from other foods, this is a complete food. As any natural food you can’t answer exactly how much is enough or from which Spirulina Dosage and above is dangerous. As any food either is meat or vegetable or fruit you can’t say exactly how much is enough and when it is getting dangerous. For example, how many apples you can eat in one day without jeopardize your health? The same apply to Spirulina, probably you won’t have any problem as much Spirulina as you eat. As any food you eat for the first time, it is better to start small and see if you have any side effects. This rule apply to all the foods you are eating for first time, not just Spirulina. Some people are allergic to sea food or almonds, the same apply to Spirulina. Don’t start taking 4 tablespoons a day when you have never eat Spirulina before. Take 1 tablespoon per day for a week and when you see that you don’t have any side effects start increasing the daily dosage.

  • 1 teaspoon powder = 2 grams
  • 1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons
  • 1 tablespoon powder = 6 grams
  • It is better to use a digital kitchen scale once so you are sure about how much grams is one of yours tablespoons.

Aim for 1 tablespoon a day for normal use and 2-3 tablespoons if you are taking it for a health problem. You can even make a face mask to improve your skin!