Small Flowering Willow Herb

The roots and leaves have demulcent, tonic and astringent properties. It can be used in prostate problems, bladder problems and bed-wetting. It can also be used to help

  • cystitus
  • urinary infections
  • diarrhoea
  • mouth ulcers
  • and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Topically, the herb can be used as a soothing, cleansing and healing agent to treat minor burns, skin rashes, ulcers and many other skin irritaions and afflictions.

Small Flowered Willow-herb has been used for years in Europe for the treatment of Prostate Disease which includes Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Prostatitis (usually a bacterial infection of the prostate) and Prostate Cancer. Many studies have been completed which showed Small Flowered Willow-herb can reduce prostate size, reduce inflammation, relieve prostatitis and improve sexual function.

Willow Herb had been traditionally used in treatments of numerous other conditions

  • gastrointestinal disorders
  • kidney and bladder disorders
  • rectal bleeding
  • menstrual disorders.

Now, after thorough researches, Willow Herb has been recognized as a powerful herb against bladder and kidney ailments, various urinary tract disturbances and especially helpful in cases of prostate disorders. Tea made from the Willow herb can be a very beneficial treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia. It has also been useful in controlling urinary incontinence in both men and women. Made into an ointment, it can soothe skin problems in children.