Ladies bedstraw

Ladies bedstraw, commonly called clivers, cleavers or goosegrass, may be used in many nervous conditions and makes an excellent cleansing remedy to remove toxins and to reduce heat and inflammation.

It has diuretic properties and helps improve lymphatic circulation which makes it efficient for

  • fluid retention
  • skin problems including eczema, psoriasis, acne, boils
  • urinary infections & stones
  • arthritis
  • and gout.

Its cooling effect reduces fevers and helps to resolve infections such as measles and chickenpox as well as inflammatory problems like arthritis and cystitis. It improves digestion and stimulates the liver. Its main claim to fame has been its role as an effective green medicine in cases of skin conditions, such as psoriasis, and as a successful diuretic.

A tea prepared from this herb helps

  • detoxify the liver
  • kidneys
  • spleen
  • and pancreas.

Once used to stop bleeding, this plant medicine contains an ingredient used in dicouramil, a drug employed to stop blood clotting. Lady’s Bedstraw is considered to be very useful in treatment of bladder and kidney stones, and in cystitis. The frothy, yellow flowers of Lady’s Bedstraw scent the air of our grasslands, chalk downlands, meadows, heaths and sand dunes with honey. The stems can be so dense with flowers that they carpet the grass with yellow from June to September. Dried, this flower has the scent of new-mown hay, and its name is probably derived from the tradition of stuffing straw mattresses with it, particularly those of women about to give birth.The first-century Greek physician Dioscorides prescribed an ointment of bedstraw to treat burns, and the seventeenth-century English herbalist Culpeper found it useful for treating children’s skin disorders.