Heather Flowers Nature’s Gift. Calluna vulgaris. Plant Family: Ericaceae. The dried heather flowers can be added to potpourri to add a bright splash of bright colour and to decorative papers and to decorate soaps and cosmetics. Use on their own as a natural alternative to confetti, or mix with rose petals, lavender buds and cornflower petals. A decoction of the flowers can be added to lotions, creams and salves for the skin where an antiseptic action is required. Flowers can also be used in a poultice to ease chilblains.
Heather tea benefits a variety of functions in the body, and is an excellent way of cleansing toxins from organs and relieving inflammatory pains. The many heather tea benefits are provided by the active ingredients, which include types of quercetin, dihydroxychromone, flavonoids and tannin. As an ancient folk remedy among northern European countries, heather tea has likely been utilized for medicinal purposes for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. The tea has been reported to alleviate certain inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis, while also improving symptoms of gout and cystitis. It wasn’t until the modern age that researchers could more accurately pinpoint the therapeutic properties of the plant, and determine additional uses as a natural health therapy.
The heather tea benefits perhaps most widely recognized are its effects as a bladder and gastro-intestinal cleanser. From the treatment of bladder, kidney, and liver infections to the potential natural removal of parasites, heather tea has a strong cleansing effect on the body. Upon the onset of such an infection, it’s recommended to steep 3 cups of heather tea per day until the infection goes away. Heather tea may not only slow the progression of such infections, but also assist with overall bodily health by helping to remove the buildup of toxins in various organs, therefore potentially preventing other diseases further down the road.
These detoxification properties have made heather tea into a favorite among natural health experts who specialize in colonic cleansing. However, be cautious about taking excess amounts of the tea. In fact, it’s only recommended to drink heather tea during the course of an infection, as excessive use is known to cause side effects, including potential liver damage. If you are taking other medications, especially drugs related to the urinary and gastro-intestinal tract, then it’s especially important that you speak to a doctor familiar with natural health practices for expert guidance before beginning treatment. Always thoroughly research any new herb you are considering using, and if pregnant, breastfeeding or taking prescribed drugs, book an appointment with your healthcare professional first.
This Heather Flower Tea is the perfect herbal hot tea drink for Winter time or any time of the year when you find yourself in need of restoration. The tea that dried heather flowers makes is strong and very “herbal” and this is what makes it so good when one is in need of strong cup of tea. You will need 2 tablespoons heather flowers,
2 cups hot water, honey, optional, lemon slices, optional. Bring the water to a boil and pour over heather flowers in a cafetiere or tea infuser. Allow to steep for about 10 minutes, strain and pour into a mug with a teaspoon of honey if liked and a slice of fresh lemon. It is recommended to have no more than 1-2 cups of heather flower tea at a time because too much can cause liver damage.