Cowslip Flowers can be used internally as a relaxing and sedative remedy for nervous tension, anxiety, insomnia and as a general tonic for the nervous system. It is excellent used in cases of stress related headaches, muscular aches and pains, and nerve pains, and is reputed to lift the spirits and dispel depression.
Taken hot, cowslip tea relieves fevers and has a decongestant and expectorant action and so is a good remedy for colds, flu, sore throats, coughs and catarrh. Cowslip roots have an anti-inflammatory action useful when treating arthritis and gout. The flowers and leaves are rich in beta carotene and vitamin C, both of which are strong antioxidants that help the body in many ways by strengthening the immune system. They can also help in lowering cholesterol levels, thereby increasing heart health. Cowslip flowers and leaves are also rich in potassium, calcium, sodium and salicylates.
Against wounds a macerated mixture made from cowslip flowers is especially effective. Cowslip tea is a sure way of strengthening the nervous system and heart; it can effectively alleviate headaches and also has a noticeable effect over the myocardium and the tendency towards apoplexy. This herb is also used in cosmetics, by being an ingredient in many face creams due to its regenerating effects. Moreover it can be used externally in warm poultices applied on painful areas because of its calming nature.