Blue Mallow

Blue Mallow tea is useful for inflammations of the mucous membranes throughout the body such as bladder, mouth and gastro-intestinal tract and so is of use against

  • gastritis
  • ulcers
  • and phlegm related problems:
  • – bronchitis
  • coughs hoarseness
  • laryngitis
  • and tonsillitus.

It makes a good eyewash and used in the bath cures skin rashes, boils and ulcers and when included in poultices because of its astringent properties helps

  • psoriasis
  • weeping eczema
  • insect bites
  • and wounds.

Used externally, it is an emollient and demulcent that softens tissue and soothes damaged or inflamed surfaces, including

  • dry hands
  • sunburn
  • and nappy rash.

Blue Mallow promotes spiritual healing and peace. It can be incorporated into a dream pillow for soothing of nightmares or drunk as a tea or added to a bath to soften one’s character. A nice Venus or Dark of the Moon ink can be made from blue mallow. Avoid ingesting if suffering from Gall Stones.In previous centuries, Blue Mallow Flower Tea promoted spiritual healing and peace. Blue Mallow Flower Tea is cooling and soothing and has traditionally been used as poultice on the belly to ease internal aches or against the stings of Martial insects. Boil Blue Mallow Flower with a bit of honey to make a gargle for sore throat. According to the herbs history, it was once a remedy for epilepsy long time ago.