Zincite Needles


Zincite needles are very rare in nature and most Zincite comes from the outside of pipes within the Zinc processing plants in Poland.Hexagonal in shape and range from yellow to red. Well known for its re-energizing properties. 20-30 mm. These crystals will gently help to allay the symptoms of women who have difficulty with menopause, and may help you to adjust to the changes in your life. This stone may aid the reproductive area and the endocrine system. This powerful stone increases energy and excitement for life, and will enhance creativity. Green Zincite stimulates creation with love from the heart, and taking creative inspiration from Mother Nature. Equally creative though, great for musicians, artists, gardeners.

Zincite is used as a power aid to physical energy. It radiates the energy you need to overcome lethargy and to energize both your mind and your spirit. If you are tired and worn out, spend some time near this crystal cluster. You will be quickly energized and again ready to “get on with life.” Zincite is specifically used to cure apathy and to help you get things done. This is an action crystal of strong energy that builds fearlessness, fosters action, and promote our productivity. They will keep you on an exercise program, for they have the strong rays of physical energy and as Seeker crystals help you find what you are seeking. As transformers, they have the Earth energy to focus your efforts to change your life and environment.

It can help Italleviate symptoms of depression and release painful memories. Zincite has the power to push you forward into manifesting your full potential. Zincite improves skin and hair. It is beneficial to the prostate gland and for menopausal conditions. It boosts the immune system. It treats CFS, AIDS and auto immune diseases. Helps alleviate candida, mucous conditions and bronchitis. Has been used to treat problems of infertility.