Yellow Labradorite


Yellow labradorite accesses the highest levels of consciousness, enhances visualisation, trance, clairvoyance and channeling. It heals the

  • stomach
  • spleen
  • liver
  • gallbladder
  • and adrenal glands.

Said to connect with the Great Central Sun! It is helpful in psychic development, mediumship and bringing us to a higher level of spiritual wisdom. It has been called a stone of hope, magic and fulfillment. It can strengthen our will and increase creativity. It can help us recognize and understand what we need to know. It is said to help increase

  • inner strength
  • vitality
  • courage
  • mental clarity
  • endurance
  • spiritual focus
  • intelligence
  • and bring purpose in to our lives.

Yellow Labradorite is a stone that assists you to better manage your personal power. It has the golden solar energy and has a masculine vibration, so is a stone to use to balance your energy. It is especially powerful when combined with lovely Rainbow Moonstone crystals, the premier stone of the feminine vibration, and the stone of the Goddess. If you place one of these crystals under your pillow, it will ensure that you will wake up in the morning feeling eager to get on with what you have planned for your day. Its energy helps to strengthen your creative gifts, so put a piece in your pocket if you need to give your creativity a boost.

Golden Yellow Labradorite gives you the wonderful attribute to connect you to the Great Central Sun. It has a male solar tone, and from the Great Central Sun comes the qualities of assertiveness, self confidence and physical vitality. This marvelous quality is a highly valuable asset, as it aids you to let go of things that hold you back and embrace the new qualities that come through from using this golden yellow crystal.

This stone is a premier manifestation stone and if used consistently, it may manifest into your life what you give your attention to. It is most important that you keep your predominant mental attitude positive while using it. If you wish to manifest money into your life, this is one of the stones that will aid you. By using it in combination with the seven laws of attraction you may bring whatever you desire into your life. If you appreciate the value of using this crystal, and add into the mix a strong attitude of gratitude, and love, you will succeed. This beautiful bright golden stone has the ability to stimulate outstanding qualities within you, including clarity of mind, courage, revitalization and expanded thinking.

This is a wonderful crystal to use to do a crystal meditation, as it will calm your emotions and help you to better see the direction of your life. Hold your Golden Yellow Labradorite in your hand as you allow yourself to go into deep inner awareness. Use this yellow stone to guide you into this realm, to the Great central Sun, a place in the etheric realm, and the nucleus of the spiritual universe. Once there permit yourself to go where you may be led, as you let go of control. Allow it to take you to a place where you will be surrounded by angels and other Divine beings, where you can begin to connect with the angels.

If you feel you have a need to balance your male-female energies you may like to combine Yellow Labradorite with other crystals that harmonize your energy. This includes Shaman Stones, Turquoise, Nephrite Jade, Aventurine, Ascension Stones, Marcasite, Hematite Crystals, Amesite, Iolite, Magnetite, Sphalerite, Amazonite, Lapis Lazuli and Rhodochrosite.