Tree Agate

tree agate tumblestone

This stone is very good for calming anyone worrying about their health. It is useful as a prosperity and success charm and protects travellers. It will also attract wildlife into your garden.

Tree Agate is a lovely heart based stone to help you to make a stronger connection with the plant kingdom and the natural world. A variety of Dendritic Agate, Tree Agates will help you to feel safer at times when you may feel challenged. It is a protective stone that boosts energy and vitality and they are good to use to strengthen the bonds between members of the family. The properties of these stones relate to how they help you to feel tranquil and composed, when things go wrong, and they may boost your self confidence at these times.
They have a good healing energy and can help your body to heal from a range of health issues. It is beneficial to wear them on the body for that purpose.

In the workplace, a bowl of Dendritic or Tree Agates bring a breath of fresh air to stagnant air-conditioned environments. Tree agate assists in overcoming emotional boundary violations and emotional strain. It helps heal the pain of unhappy childhood or effects of divorce. Agate overcomes negativity and bitterness of the heart, by healing anger, fostering love, and lending the courage to start over. It is useful for any kind of trauma.