Tiffany Stone aka opalized fluorite or purple Bertrandite

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Tiffany Stone aka opalized fluorite or purple Bertrandite. It carries the vibrations whose high, sweet vibes bring pleasure to life. The alluring vibes of the stone boost the psychic gift along with the passion to achieve the desired result soonest.

It connects to the heart and the higher heart or thymus chakra, bringing through beautiful loving feelings. Within the throat chakra it has an action that may help to aid communication, both in everyday and psychic communication. This stone comes only from Utah in the USA. In the past it was almost unobtainable, as it was produced only as a by-product of the mining of Bertrandite or Beryllium at a particular mine. That mine closed down, but recently a new mine has opened up. They come in a mixture of beautiful colors, including purples, blues, yellows and white.

Tiffany Stone helps you to receive guidance from the higher realms, by taking you up through the third eye chakra, the crown chakra, and soul star chakra, to connect you quite easily with the higher transpersonal chakras. This stone has a beautiful energy that will accentuate whatever psychic abilities you have the potential to develop. This will vary from person to person, but this energy will help you to expand your most dominant psychic communication ability.

Once you have experienced the lovely sweet high vibration of Tiffany Stone you may understand why they call it Purple Passion. It has a strong healing action in the body and is known to enhance and boost your sex life and may be used to stimulate flagging sexual desires. This stone also has excellent healing attributes, including aiding you to release energy blockages from the meridians and within the chakras. It is a helpful stone when you are going through life changes of any kind, as it is known to help to bring a stronger level of persistence and emotional strength. It helps you to let go of the old in order to let in the new. If you are in business this stone may help you to work out what direction to take it when you feel that it is stalling or stagnating and needs a boost.It is known to help you to clear clutter both within your business and home environment. To aid the growth of your clairaudient abilities, you may like to combine it with Herkimer Diamonds, Selenite or Seraphinite, which also aids communication with beings in the higher realms. Use it with Peach Morganite or Shiva Lingam to enhance sexual experiences, and in particular for tantric love practices.

With a high Fluorite content, Tiffany Stone is believed to strengthen bones and ligaments, and is beneficial for tendonitis, arthritis and osteoarthritis. It is also thought to aid in treatments for allergies, problems of the skin and respiratory tract, infections, and cough. Tiffany Stone is reputed to energize the endocrine system, boost hormones, and assist in regulating reproduction and sexual function. It bolsters mental strength and the ability to express one’s natural feelings, both positive and negative, and to verbalize feelings that have been hidden or of which one may be ashamed. Tiffany Stone relieves tension and worries from the past, and brings an effortlessness and gentleness to one’s life. It empowers one to be more objective, inventive, and to live joyously in the present. Note: As Beryllium is toxic, Tiffany Stone should be worn or used only in polished form, and gem essences should be prepared by the indirect method.