The K2 Stone

K2 Stone

The K2 Stone, also known as Afghanite. All crystals contain force fields of healing energy, but some are more monumental than others. Meet the K2 crystal, a unique stone mined from the snowy peaks of Pakistan’s K2, the second highest mountain in the world. These rugged snowy peaks make mining difficult, which is why this special stone is extremely rare and hard to find. It is a rare combination of Azurite and Granite, and the K2 crystal balances your earthly experience with a higher consciousness, allowing you to go deep into the spirit world while being firmly grounded to the earth. To access the powerful energy of this stone, prepare for a mind-bending journey to the heavens when you incorporate the K2 crystal into a meditation ritual before bedtime. Place a stone over your third eye chakra and breathe in its healing vibes, asking it to guard you while you sleep by protecting you from nightmares and giving you insight into the fascinating dream world of the unconscious mind. This combination crystal gets its celestial quality from Azurite and its grounding and stabilizing properties from Granite, giving you the benefits of a peaceful mind, the stepping-stone to spiritual enlightenment. If you seek universal truths, meditate with the K2 crystal and go deep. And by deep we mean as far back as past lives and ancestral lineage. Because it’s when the past and present merge that we begin to see the divine truth of the universe unfolding before our eyes. Evoking the spirit of Chhogori, the second highest mountain in the world, K2 reminds us that the higher we climb, the more amazing the view at the top.

K2 is believed to grant us access to the Akashic Records and is a valuable stone for those engaged in soul retrieval. It is a relatively rare, high vibrational stone. Among other attributes it is said to be a wonderful connector of people bringing together groups into harmony and encouraging balanced, harmonious communication amongst individuals. It is also said to help us to have more control over our own emotions and to feel more centered and balanced emotionally. This stone is a must for the serious crystal healer! It has many healing properties. If you want to promote harmony and connection within your work and family groups, communicate your deepest thoughts and feelings, and have more control over your emotions, this stone is a must! K2 helps the user become more grounded, balanced and live in harmony. This high vibrational stone aids the user in developing a deeper sense of empathy and compassion. It is also helpful in the treatment of obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD). On the physical plane, K2 relieves migraines and headaches caused by psychic blockages. It’s excellent for clearing dis-ease from your entire face and head area, and for strengthening your teeth and bones. On the spiritual plane, this stone facilitates our connection to Source, can help us access the Akashic Records and is a valuable tool for use in soul retrieval. Afghanite or K2 is a stone that promotes goodwill and peace among all. If you want to resolve inner conflict and learn that in order to have peace outside, there must be peace within, get this stone and use it now! A rare and unique stone, newly discovered, associated with the Third Eye Chakra. Energy workers all over the world are finding this stone very exciting.