Sodalite Tumblestone

sodalite tumblestones

This beautiful stone brings mental clarity and joy to a heavy heart. It balances the emotions, calms panic attacks and is thought to

  • lower blood pressure
  • boosts the immune system
  • and relieves insomnia.

Sodalite stone has a strong vibration that will bring your attention to the qualities of idealism and truth. Its energy may stimulate you to live up to your own ideals and ideas, about the nature of truth. It has strong metaphysical properties that may stimulate latent creative abilities and it aids teachers, writers and students to understand the deeper philosophical principles. Its energy is particularly helpful to aid the development of psychic abilities, and with developing intuition. It is excellent to aid communication and may help you if you are doing public speaking. It may help you to understand the patterns behind such things as astrology and the tarot.

This stone is most recognized for

  • healing
  • meditation
  • and wisdom.

It is a good stone for general communication for self and writing. It is used for expressing logic and ideas due to its connection with the Throat Chakra. It is also used at the Brow Chakra due to the fact that it can access fine levels of intuitive information and promote the understanding of these concepts. It is also known to enhance community relationships. Considered a stone that is still evolving, sodalite can strongly affect changes in your attitude about yourself. It helps you be more objective and less critical about ways of dealing with existence. It is a stone associated with studying. This stone should be worn or carried around as a touch stone for a long period of time in order to reap its full benefits.

Known for balancing body energy levels via

  • thyroid
  • pituitary
  • lymph
  • and other glands.

It helps

  • insomnia
  • as well as neck
  • mouth
  • hearing
  • and blood sugar issues.

This stone is cooling and is used for

  • drawing out infections
  • cooling burns
  • sinus inflammation
  • and high blood pressure.

It has been suggested for

  • balancing the metabolism
  • beneficial for the cleansing organs
  • and can boost the immune system.

Effective in combating the effects of natural and artificial radiation it is recommended for those who work around X-ray equipment or are involved with radioactive material. This stone’s Latin name, sodanum is said to mean “a cure for headaches”. Warning -Too much of this stone can be exacerbating to anyone who is already in a long term depressed state.