Seraphinite was named after Seraphim, the highest order of angels, due to feather-like appearance of the chatoyant fibers in the stone. Seraphinite is also known as Serafina. Seraphinite is a stone of spiritual enlightenment. It’s the go-to stone for healers and collectors because of its energies for spirit communication, healing, and spiritual enlightenment.It is said to be among the most important stones discovered for connecting and communicating with higher energies.It facilitates conscious awareness on many higher planes.It is excellent for accessing self-healing. Seraphinite promotes living from the heart.It cleanses the aura, strengthens, activates and balances all chakras. Causes old patterns of disease or imbalance to fall away, thus creating space for new patterns of well-being to form. Seraphinite is healing for nerves and brain cells.It activates the spinal cord and its links to the etheric body(aura).Seraphinite releases muscle tension up into the neck.It overcomes chills.It can also help in promoting weight loss.
Seraphinite will help you have a stronger connection with your guardian angels and spirit guides. Your senses will be heightened and opened, and you will stimulate your gifts, psychic visions, and clairvoyance in the process. Seraphinite can also be very uplifting for those who are feeling depressed. It doesn’t matter what you’re so depressed about, because the energies of this stone will wash over you like a soothing balm and take away the pain and the sorrow. It can help give you the answers that you are searching for and discover your place in this world. It will be your most powerful ally in identifying the changes that you need to make to find your peace, happiness, and fulfillment. This stone will give you peace and serenity in your life, and it will show you how you can have lasting peace and happiness. It will surround your home, office, and wherever you may be with protective energies.It will invoke healing, assistance, and love into your life. It will help you identify what you need to do to change your life and align it to your purpose. Serephinite’s healing properties can support the function of your heart and lungs and make sure that they are working as they should.It can also strengthen the blood, help in cellular respiration, and ensure that important nutrients reach the cells.It can boost the function of your liver and kidneys, and help in detoxification. Seraphinite can provide healing for the brain cells and the nerves, as well as strengthen the spinal cord. It’s effective in releasing muscle tensions, and it can also act as a pain reliever for most body aches and pains. Seraphinite is also known as the Angel Stone because it holds powerful spiritual energy that can bring peace and harmony into your life.It can also bring you good fortune, prosperity, abundance, and good health. Pop a piece in your bra to keep this stone close to your heart and to benefit from its energies on your heart chakra. It’s a stone that opens, stimulates, and balances all the chakras. You could also wear this stone in your pocket to keep its energies right within your auric field.
Since seraphinite is softer compared to other gemstones, it can be sensitive to strong pressure when you’re cleaning it. Avoid applying too much pressure, exposing it to high temperatures, or using very harsh cleaning solutions. It’s an ‘ite’ crystal so may be water soluble. Cleanse it by standing it overnight in the moonlight.
Seraphinite is best combined with blue apatite, iolite, amethyst, sunstone, tigers eye, clear quartz, and rose quartz. Combining your seraphinite with any of these stones and crystals can magnify their energies and give you the support that you need to reach your goals.You can also combine this crystal with shattuckite, a similarly striking stone that still has some subtle energies to help you day to day.
Seraphinite raises your consciousness to the angelic realm, promoting communion while allowing you to benefit from the healing energies that your angels can offer.This stone is excellent in releasing anything that no longer serves your highest good.