Ruby in Zoisite

Ruby in Zoisite 2

Ruby in Zoisite promotes increase in inner and outer development, awakening of the true self, joyful engagement with life, healing, increase in life force. Ruby in Zoisite offers the energy of happiness, appreciation, abundance, vitality and growth. It stimulates the heart and helps one to open to divine love. Zoisite helps to alleviate grief, anger, despair and defeat, and it is a powerful stone for deep healing by activating the body’s defences and healing mechanisms. It is an energising healer on a physical level and is helpful for restoring vitality after radiation, chemotherapy or pharmaceutical treatments. Ruby-zoisite is the natural combination of both ruby and zoisite crystals in a single specimen. Zoisite is the clear medium green that you can see inside the stone, and it combines perfectly with the deep magenta red of the Ruby stone. Also called Tanganyika Artstone or Anyolite from a Massai word “anyoli” meaning green, this stone made of green Zoisite, Ruby and black Tschermakite was first found in 1956 near Logido in Tanzania.Affirmation: I am grateful for the infinite abundance on Earth.

Ruby in Zoisite will enhance the connection between your heart and your brain. What the heart wants is something that the mind will usually rebuff. But with the presence of Ruby Zoisite, they will find a way to work together and produce amazing results. Ruby Zoisite has a strong spiritual nature that will also help your consciousness and spiritual learning. It will give you access to your soul memory, and it’s a spiritual stone that will be a very potent tool to anyone who wants to reawaken her spirituality.

Ruby Zoisite will give you energies of healing that will help you release suppressed anger or feelings of self-harm or self-disregard. The past is the past, and everything that belongs to the past should no longer be in your heart. The longer and tighter you hold on to these harmful feelings, the more they will corrupt you from the inside. The energies of the Ruby Zoisite will help you bring these hidden feelings to the surface and finally release them from your heart. It will give you courage and fortitude when facing a stressful time in your personal or professional life. Ruby Zoisite will boost your self-confidence. It will ground you when you’re starting to feel overcome with your mental and emotional load. It will show you how you can control your thoughts and how you can respond to everything that happens to you.

Ruby Zoisite has strong life force energies that make it an effective stone for healing. It will bring whoever wears it positive and happy feelings that will fight emotional diseases like depression. It can enhance positive energy flow that can help with various physical complaints. It will help boost your immune system and ease adrenal fatigue. It will also promote better blood circulation, amplifying and distributing the stone’s energies all throughout your body. This stone can regulate menstrual flow and alleviate pains associated with a woman’s monthly period. It’s known to be very beneficial to the reproductive organs and is often used to treat infertility, impotence, and other sexual dysfunction and gynecological issues. It can help detoxify the body, treat infections, and bring down fevers. It will stimulate the kidneys and the spleen, as well as regulate metabolism to address problems with weight gain or weight loss. Ruby Zoisite is also good to have with you because it can help ease motion sickness. It will also restore the luster to your hair and the gleam on your nails. It will promote cellular function and regeneration. It will reduce panic attacks, promote good sleep, and help the wearer overcome claustrophobia.

Ruby Zoisite will inspire you to have more empathy for others. You will have more compassion, endurance, and gentleness, and you will also enjoy a stronger sense of belonging. It will stimulate feelings of appreciation for all that you have in your life.It will make you understand your own needs and emotions regarding love and relationships. The energies of Ruby Zoisite will also encourage people to be more observant of your needs. You need to be taken care of, too!

Ruby in Zoisite combines well with apophylite, sapphire and sunstone.