Rhodonite Tumblestone is an emotional balancer that nurtures love and encourages the brotherhood of mankind. An excellent wound healer and relieves insect bites. It treats inflammation of the joints and arthritis and is a rescue remedy for shock or trauma. A pretty stone. The Heart Stone.
Rhodonite vibrates an essence of pure loving energy. Just by having one of these stones in hand will place one in a state of relaxation. It is known to transform and stabilize the emotions. When we align with the energies of Rhodonite we trigger the healing of both the physical and emotional bodies.
Rhodonite brings order to our feelings that are left scattered, imbalanced, or in need of grounding. They are capable of opening up the heart center to allow healing energy to flow through it. These healing energies can open up an emotionally closed down person and fill them with unconditional love.
- Wards Off Negative Energies
- Protects Against Disease
- Shields Against Radiation
- Emotional Protection.
It stimulates:
- Acceptance
- Forgiveness
- Compassion
- Self-Healing
- Altruism
- Inner-Growth
- Self-Love
- Unconditional Love
- Passion
- Self-Confidence
- Self-Worth
- Self-Esteem
- Relaxation
- and Patience
Rhodonite transmutes emotional trauma to ensure one is living in a higher frequency, encourages one to live from the heart and aids emotional healing of relationship problems.
- Soothes the nervous system
- Supports All Problems of The Heart
- Cures Grief, Sadness & Depression
- Transmutes Emotional Trauma
- Soothes the Thyroid
- Cleanses the Pituitary Gland
- and speaks to the inner child and cures it of past abuse, physical and mental.