Muscovite Tumblestone
Muscovite. This is a stone of possibilities and may help you if you have been unintentionally holding yourself back from living a life that might be more fulfilling. It assists you to look back to the past and learn from it, while allowing the unfolding of your innate gifts in the present.
- provides psychic protection and it is a highly protective stone that has a strong vibration
- Issues such as balance, clumsiness and left-right confusion, are often very hard for those with dyspraxia to deal with. These stones are an easy way to assist those who have been unable to find other solutions
- Whether you have dyspraxia or not, it’s energy will also help with problem solving and as well as encouraging clear expression of thoughts and feelings
- This mica crystal is also a strong heart chakra stone
- There are other benefits to having it close by in a healing situation as it is a strong aid for anyone who has allergies, as well as being helpful for those with blood-sugar concerns
- It is a positive stone to aid the adrenal glands and the kidneys and will help problems associated with dehydration
It is said to be an excellent stone to brighten your life, including promoting shiny hair and radiant, shining eyes.It may help to relieve inflammation, and it may be advantageous to use it following an accident where you have inflammation from a broken bone.
It is a mystical stone with a strong angelic contact, stimulating awareness of the higher self. Used in scrying, this visionary stone links to the highest spiritual realms. Muscovite stimulates the heart chakra, facilitates astral travel, and opens the intuition and psychic vision.
- disperses insecurity, self doubt and clumsiness
- It is useful for those who suffer from dyspraxia and left-right confusion
- Muscovite eliminates anger and nervous stress, to bring flexibility at all levels of being
- It assists in looking forward joyfully to the future and back to the past to appreciate all the lessons that have been learned
By allowing you to see yourself as others see you, Muscovite helps in changing the image presented to the outside world. It supports during the exploration of painful feelings.
- controls blood sugar
- balances pancreatic secretions
- alleviates dehydration
- and prevents hunger while fasting
- It regulates the kidneys
- Relieves insomnia and allergies
- and heals any condition resulting from disease or distress