

Labradorite is a master healer of the spirit and protects the body against external negative influences. It gives quick relief to worry and tension and gives you back your enthusiasm, inspiration and self confidence. A highly mystical and protective stone. It treats disorders of the eyes and brain and is useful against

  • colds
  • gout
  • and rheumatism
  • balances hormones
  • and lowers blood pressure.

It brings forth each person’s strengths to share with the world.

  • It promotes easier, more restful sleep
  • helps us relate to others
  • opens energy flow to Solar plexus and Brow Chakra and whatever other centers are most in need.

Labradorite is also called Spectrolite referred to as a stone of transformation. It is said to clear, balance and protect the aura – helps to provide clarity and insight into your destiny, and attract success.

Labradorite is excellent for dream recall and in learning new ways to use dreams in daily life (interpretation)

Stress and anxiety are reduced by Labradorite

  • An excellent stone for those who suffer panic attacks or have phobias
  • It is also an excellent tool/aid to help increase intuition, psychic development, mystical wisdom.

Labradorite is the gemstone of magic, and it awakens in those who carry or wear it the awareness of one’s innate magical powers. This iridescent stone is a highly mystical and protective stone, a bringer of light. It raises consciousness and connects with universal energies. Labradorite deflects unwanted energies from the aura and prevents energy leakage. It can take you into another world or into other lives. This stone stimulates intuition and psychic gifts, including the art of “right timing,” bringing messages from the unconscious mind to the surface and facilitating their understanding.

The subtle workings of our inner selves and higher guides are often termed ‘magic’ in our culture. The term ‘magic’ refers to the mental and intuitive abilities which include but are not limited to clairvoyance, telepathy, astral travel, prophecy, psychic reading, access to Akashic records, past-life recall, communication with higher guides and spirits, and coincidence control. ‘Coincidence control’ is the practice of increasing the observed degree of synchronicity and serendipity in one’s life. It is a gemstone of adventure, for it offers one the chance to embark upon a multitude of voyages of self discovery. In wearing or working with Labradorite, one disconnects from any tendencies to attempt to control others, while one bonds deeply with the knowledge that self-mastery is the path of true fulfillment.

Labradorite acts as an ally for those who desire to enter the void to gain information and knowledge of the unseen aspects of life. For shamans, magicians and other “source-erers” it is a protective and powerful stone that aids in recalling experiences one has had in other realms, other times and other lives. It can assist one in moving into alternate levels of consciousness and vibration, helping one to consciously “move between the worlds.”

Labradorite creates a force field throughout the aura, protecting and strengthening the energies within and preventing others from ‘tapping in’ to your personal energy and draining you – spiritual vampires. It can be used to make certain that all the elemental forces are empowered and in proper proportions within one’s energy system. Labradorite is an important aid when one works with elemental allies, as it assists one in invoking these powerful natural energies.The wonderful synchronicities and opportunities that arise when we are in harmony with all our aspects create a sense of mystery and wonder and build a resonance between our mundane and spiritual aspects, enabling our total energy to work in harmony with our Divine purpose. When we are in line with our Divine purpose, our destiny unfolds before us.


  • banishes fears and insecurities
  • and the psychic debris from previous disappointments
  • including those experienced in past lives
  • It strengthens faith in the self and trust in the universe
  • It removes other people’s projections, including thought forms that have hooked into the aura
  • Labradorite calms an overactive mind and energizes the imagination, bringing up new ideas
  • It brings contemplation and introspection
  • Synthesizes intellectual thought with intuitive wisdom
  • it is an excellent dispeller of illusions, going to the root of a matter and showing the real intention behind thoughts and actions.

This stone brings up suppressed memories from the past. It is a useful companion through change, imparting strength and perseverance.

A stone of transformation, it prepares body and soul for the ascension process. It can aid in uncovering unconscious and subconscious belief patterns that generate unpleasant emotional states. It can help one to become clearly aware of the source beliefs, self-talk and egoic influence on one’s habitual emotional states.

  • Labradorite can help reveal the nature of ‘mystery illnesses.’
  • It can show the patterns that have created disease and can amplify one’s healing thoughts and prayers
  • Labradorite treats disorders of the eyes and brain
  • relieves stress
  • and regulates metabolism
  • It treats colds
  • gout
  • and rheumatism
  • balances hormones
  • relieves menstrual tension
  • and lowers blood pressure.

Labradorite can be used as a witness during radionic* treatment, pinpointing the cause of the dis-ease*.

It Purifies The Aura and helps with problems of the Metabolism. It Aligns and purifies all energy centers and
Aligns the physical body with the higher energies. It helps one to see more clearly during meditation and
strengthens intuition.