The name ‘nephrite’ was derived from the Greek word for ‘kidney’, which refers to its supposed ability to cure kidney disease. Nephrite today is believed to be a stone of dreams. It is thought that it can bless whatever it touches. Depending on the actual color of the gem, it can possess a variety of powers. Physically, nephrite is said to be a restorative stone. It is also very useful for cleansing the body, especially
- the kidneys
- liver
- and spleen.
- Health
- wealth
- and is a longevity stone.
- courage
- wisdom
- justice
- mercy
- emotional balance
- stamina
- love
- fidelity
- and humility.
- Nephrite is thought to be especially helpful for joint and bone related pain, and is also often used to help fight viral and bacterial infections. Nephrite is one of two distinct mineral forms classified as jade (the other is jadeite) and up until 1863, nephrite was believed to be one and the same as jadeite. Jadeite has a wider range of colors than nephrite jade. Jadeite is found in pink, blue, red, orange, and in fact every color. Nephrite jade is found in darker shades of green that are almost black.
Nephrite Jade can help you with
Ancient Chinese used it also for
It has a gentle, steady energy. Properties include its ability to mellow one’s existence. Helps one rid themselves of negative thoughts and energy. Strengthens the body’s filtration and cleansing systems and assists in the removal of toxins. Very beneficial to the heart in both physical and spiritual senses. It is a very protective stone and will keep its wearer out of harm’s way.
Nephrite Jade is often used in dream work, to help with lucid dreaming, and with remembering dreams. Nephrite Jade carries a revitalizing energy that can help to speed healing. It is a stone of health and abundance, allowing Divine energy to enhance the circumstances of life. Used as a good-luck talisman in many cultures, Nephrite Jade helps open the Heart Chakra to allow good fortune to flow naturally into one’s experience of this physical realm.The “stone of fidelity”, Jade is wonderful for working with the Heart Chakra, balancing male and female energies, and helping with dysfunctional relationships. Many use Nephrite Jade as a protective stone that transmutes negative energies into positive. Nephrite Jade can instill a sense of calm and well-being, and can help to increase one’s enjoyment of life. Nephrite Jade promotes confidence and calms the nervous system.