Idiocrase also called Vesuvianite brings us closer to the higher realms and provides an easier link to our sense of higher self. It facilitates the seeing and the understanding of things on this earth that have no substance. Psychologically, Vesuvianite (Idocrase) releases feelings of imprisonment and restraint, dissolves anger and alleviates fear and negativity. It helps to create a sense of inner security, opens the mind and stimulates inventiveness and the urge to discover, linking into creativity. Vesuvianite banishes depression and clears negative thought patterns so that the mind can function more clearly. Physically, Vesuvianite (Idocrase) strengthens the tooth enamel and restores the sense of smell. It also assists in assimilating nutrients from food.
The original meaning of the name Idocrase relates to the classical Greek word ‘Eidos’. The meaning of the name of Vesuvianite stone is relates to the location where it was found on Mount Vesuvius in Italy. This is a lovely stone that will work within all chakras, and while its vibration is positive for all chakras, some colors resonate more strongly within particular chakras. Although the actual result may depend on its color, the deep green stones carry the vibration of the heart chakra and the higher heart chakra, as do the lighter green Vesuvianite stones.
Idocrase aids you to release fear and any old patterns, including past life issues affecting your current life, that you may be holding in your sub-conscious. By releasing this energy, you may be enabled to move forward with your spiritual growth, as well as being able to make changes within other areas of your life.This movement forward in your life may help you to eliminate depression. Using this stone will help you to move in a new direction spiritually.
Meditation with this stone is extremely helpful, and you may engage your Higher self in the process.If you want to make major changes, if your heart is being tugged to take your life in a new direction, meditate with this stone.Via its energy in the sacral chakra area, it will assist you to take notice of your feelings, and has the potential to increase the development of clairsentience.
Vesuvianite crystals are known to be beneficial healing stones. This green mineral is said to strengthen the enamel of the teeth as well as helping your sense of smell, and may aid the healing of skin break-outs. It is known to aid the body to better assimilate minerals from food. Its action within the sacral chakra may also help the healing of gut problems such as diverticulitis.
Combine it with Golden Labradorite, Heliodor, Morganite, Emeralds or Kunzite or any of the green Garnets, to intensify the vibration of the Vesuvianite crystals.